Chapter 20

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I couldn't believe this was real.

As soon as I met Draco in the common room, he grabbed my hand and disapparated us. It happened so fast, I didn't have the time to feel sick or dizzy, like I usually do. 

My feet immediately touched the soft grass. I wobbled a bit, trying not to fall over. Draco held onto my arm to steady me. 

I looked up from where I was standing and couldn't believe my eyes. 

An incredible hot spring was in front of me. 

It was a beautiful blue, with steam rising off of it. It was surrounded by cliffs and mountains and gorgeous green trees. They were all covered in a light layer of snow. 

I looked at Draco, awestruck. 

He looked nervous, anticipating my reaction. 

I stared back at the view for a few more moments, before turning to Draco and hugging him, tightly. He stumbled backwards a little, not preparing for the sudden impact, but quickly hugged me back. 

"Do you like it?" He asked, his head buried in the crook of my neck. His warm breath against my cold neck made me shiver. 

"Are you kidding?" I asked, pulling away. "I love it! How did you find out about this? When? Where even are we?" 

He smiled widely at me. 

"I've been to many places because of my parents 'jobs,' and we came here once. I thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I would bring you. I remember you saying you wanted to visit a hot spring someday, so I thought you could come with me." 

I can't believe he remembered me telling him that. 


"Ok, so I know you want to visit Italy someday, but is there a certain thing you want to see or do? Like go skydiving or see the Wall of China?" He asked.

I laughed softly.

We were sitting in the common room. It was past midnight and we had been up all night studying. We decided to stop for the night.

"Uhm... I don't know! What do you want to see?" I asked, smiling at him.

He had been asking me pointless questions all night, claiming to want to be the person who knows me the best in the world. I had answered many, many questions and he had answered none of mine.

"You're going to think I'm weird if I tell you," he stated, looking away from me.

I tried to stifle back a laugh.

"I already think you're weird, so you might as well just tell me."

He looked at me, trying to be serious, but a small smirk was starting to form on his lips.

"I-... I want to ride in a hot air balloon. I know, it's weird, but it seems pretty cool I guess." He looked embarrassed when he said it.

As I said, he didn't tell me many personal things, but I enjoyed it when he did.

"That's not weird, I promise. I've never actually thought about that, but it would be really cool!" I reassured him. He looked relieved.

"So, now you answer," he said, poking my arm.

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