Chapter 18

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The next day, I woke up, feeling very tired. 

I hadn't gotten back to my dorm until late last night. As I sat there, I remembered all of the memories Draco and I had made. It had been so long since the last time we were around each other as friends. I missed it. 

I was just hoping that he was too. 

I didn't want to be, but I was ready to forgive him. 

The secret had already calmed down. It wasn't nearly as exciting to everyone, it seemed, than when I had apparently 'slept with Snape,' which everyone was now regretting after finding out he was actually my father. I was very grateful for that. I hated being the center of attention. 

But, I noticed, being around Draco suddenly seemed to make more people notice me. You'd think it would bother me, but I seemed to forget about everyone else when I was around him. There were all these little things that happened when we were friends that I never seemed to forget. 

When we would eat at the Slytherin table and someone would make a joke, our eyes would always connect across the table, wanting to enjoy the laughter with each other. 

When we were in class together, and he would always be by my side to make sure we were each other's partner. 

When I could feel him staring at me across the room, and when I would turn to look at him, he decided to quickly look away, a flush of pink going over his cheeks. 

When we would be in conversation and his eyes would linger on my lips, long enough for me to notice. 

The little things. 

I slowly rolled out of bed.

I checked the clock on my bedside table. 

7:50 am

It was almost the start of breakfast in the Great Hall. 

I quickly brushed my hair and my teeth, put on my robes and headed downstairs. 

It was already pretty crowded.

I searched for my friends and spotted Octavia waving at me. 

I couldn't help but smile. It felt like forever since she and I last spoke.

She had never been the best at advice, so thought it was best to leave me to my thoughts. That's what I loved about her. 

I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. 

"I've missed you so much, y/n! I feel like we haven't talked in forever."

And with that, we talked throughout our entire breakfast, not even touching the waffles that had been placed on our plates. Normally, I would be on my 3rd waffle by now (they didn't serve them often) but I was too caught up with talking. 

It was nice to talk to her again. 

After a while, I snuck a glance at the clock, and it was almost 8:30 am, which meant it was almost time for classes to begin. 

I had Care of Magical Creatures, DADA, Divination and then Potions. I had a few periods off today. 

The day went by terribly slow, and I found myself constantly checking the clock to see the time. The only class I had with Draco was Potions, which was at the end of the day. I wasn't quite sure why I wanted to see him, or if I was even going to speak to him at all. But every time I imagined his sparkling eyes and platinum blonde hair, I could feel butterflies in my stomach. 

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