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“Take it off, we have to go now!” I said as I rushed into the dressing room to help Trisha strip off the gown.

I couldn’t help but admire her and think if all this was in a different circumstance.
Unfortunately not today.

“The guards are down, I give them a couple of hours considering I used Midazolam,” I said helping her take off her gown.

“Mi… what”, she asked confused.
“It’s an animal sedative,” I answered as I handed her the t shirt. I could see the goosebumps on her skin and the slight tremble of her lips and I knew she was terrified.

Well, so was I. She rubbed her stomach after she put on the t shirt and I helped her with the trouser and shoes. Fuck pregnancy.

I grabbed Trisha’s arm and we rushed out to the awaiting cab. Good thing I planned ahead.

“Kivlan airport,” I said as I handed the cab driver a bunch of notes and added,” Make it a short drive please.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said in his Chinese accent and stepped on it.

The sooner we were there, the better. A crowded place was the best hideout for us right now.
“Nima…” Trisha said as tears filled her eyes and they started falling ever so fast.
“Ssssshhh, hush, baby girl,” I said rubbing her hair after I laid her head on my lap.
“Nima, if anything happens to me, please keep my baby safe,” she said as she lay her head on my lap.
“I am here now, okay, I won’t let anything happen to you,” I said kissing her ear and continued running my fingers through the strands of her hair.

I knew she was crying because she was in fear. Fear that we would be caught, fear for her life but mostly fear for her child’s life.

“We’ll be okay, I said as I caressed her cheek.” She was my big sister and I would do anything in my power to protect her from that bastard. I would do anything possible to make sure my niece or nephew wouldn’t grow up without a mother because the father part was already decided. Only thing was how much power did I actually have compared to him. He practically owned the city, he was untouchable until…

We had barely made it to the airport when the first shot rented the air. I could see the roadblock ahead and behind us it was as if all the other cars had disappeared and only the black suvs were there.

The cab driver stopped immediately and ran out. Fuck! I said hitting the back of the driver’s seat headrest.
Then I saw him get out of one of the suvs in all his manly glory, adorned in the most expensive of suits oozing of money and power. To the normal eye he was a prince charming, every girls dream but to us Lucifer was a ten in comparison.

I grabbed Trisha’s hand and we stepped out of the cab together. I put her behind me away from his scrutiny.
I watched him as he took each step towards us, that stupid grin on his face. I could feel Trisha shaking and her hand was clammy due to sweating.

I on the other hand, I put on a brave façade trying to convince myself of my bravery but with each step he took my spirit wavered.

“It will be okay,” I reassured her though we both knew how much shit we were in. I had to think fast. I put my hand behind my back and drew out the gun.

Yes, Xander was untouchable at first but now, not so much. I proceeded to grab Trisha by the neck and aimed the gun at her womb. I had Xander’s kryptonite. He couldn’t lose the child.

“We’d rather die than go back with you,” I spat. No one had seen that coming at least I thought so.

“You can’t even shoot a fucking gun,” he said wearing that shameless smirk but he didn’t know who he was against so I shot at the ground close to where he stood.

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