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I opened my eyes to be met by the blue and white walls, on the same sick bed and the machines still attached to me.

I didn’t miss the luscious breakfast on my side table.

My stomach grumbled in anticipation and I was glad my appetite was coming back.

 I was about to sit upright and gobble up some of that bacon when he came in.
Personal space aargh! This reminded me of one of my friends back in preschool, Vera, always getting into my business and space.

“Good morning love,” he shouted as he drew open the curtains making the bright light blind me momentarily. I didn’t miss the new look he took today.
He was dressed in an official red suit with matching snakeskin shoes. His million dollar rolex watch was also an amazing addition to his look.

Today, he looked like the motherfucking billionaire he was. I put on a fake smile despite the anger I felt towards him.

Legally speaking, he was holding me against my will. This was kidnapping of two people, a minor included.

“Would you mind sharing your thoughts, he said as he approached me. I sat up and just smiled then my stomach began complaining again.

I grabbed the bacon and gobbled it down, then the grapes and the bread and finally juice.
Yes I had terrible eating manners.

Vic seemed to realize this as he took the paper towel and made to wipe my mouth.

My eyes were intently on his left hand which he was extending to hold my chin to keep me in place as he wiped my mouth.
How did I feel about this? It was not okay. I ducked and his hand missed. I took the towel from him and wiped myself. He only smirked as he gave me a stare.

“I want to see Tristan,” I said ignoring my instincts which urged me to request instead of demanding. Well, he bossed me around too so we would boss each other.

“No!” he answered. Did he just say no?
“Did you just say no?” I voiced out my thought this time.
“Yes,” he answered simply as he took a seat, this time on the chair though.

“Not until you answer my question,” he added once more after he noticed my rather angry expression.
“Tell me love, what is your name?” he asked and I ignored him and got off the bed.
If he would not bring him to me, I would find him myself. He watched me as I ripped the needle out of my arm and tried to stand on my feet but I fell down.
I didn’t understand, I was feeling so well everywhere else, my wound was healing but I couldn’t walk.

“The bullet grazed your backbone and in the process a nerve. For now moving will be difficult for you but with therapy and exercise all will be well.” He said as he watched me on the ground.

His words hit me like a bullet. Well this time round a mental bullet. He did say all I needed was therapy though so it couldn’t be that bad right?
It’s not as if I was bound to the wheelchair for life.
My thoughts were interrupted by someone entering with a wheelchair to my room. It was a sophisticated wheelchair with a control pad and a gear. I thought he said it wasn’t bad. I thought as he offered his hand probably to help me up. 

“I thought you wanted to see the kid?” he said wearing a cunning smile. As soon as his hand held mine, I felt it. It was like an electrical sure and a sense of familiarity as I clasped his hand. I could see it on him too and he held me up by my waist and stared at me.

“What is your name?” he asked once more his eyes lingering on mine as he took a deep breathe.
He suddenly let go and walked out.
I knew him, I knew him, the thought rang in my head as I held my hand close to my heart once more.
Maybe Vic was a lesser evil in my situation.

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