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“Where are you going?” Nick asked as she walked in on me checking the bullets in my gun.

I ignored her and just pushed past her as I holstered the gun and put on my suit jacket.
My hand was suddenly yanked behind and Nick's lips were on mine in no time. I could feel the care and love in that kiss and I knew she was just telling me that she was there for me. As always.
I felt guilty for some reason when she left.

Having the blue eyed girl that close to me had stirred something that I had forgotten. I cared for her and I had no idea why.
What would help right now was counting money or torturing someone.

Keeping up the evil act made me forget that I was alone in this world, that my family had rejected me.
“Mikael,” I called him as soon as I was outside prepared to just go anywhere, do anything other than stay home.


It was now the third week that I had been in this place and everything was good except for my legs.
I admit I was not the brightest but something was bugging me.
I remembered a movie I had watched about illusions. Yes the magic, illusions.

My situation was a bit off and I had to find out why. I could have sworn that the bullet never grazed my spine.
It was a clean shot, in and out.
No major organ had been hit otherwise I would have bleed out in those two hours.

The other thing was the pills I had to swallow each day, Maybe I am crazy but I think they have been giving me a paralysis drug but at what cost. I thought as I watched Tristan who was about to sleep.

“Let’s go out Blue eyes,” Vic said interrupting Tristan. His eyes shot open and he began crying once more. I was annoyed because I had put in so much effort, rocking him to sleep while I was in a wheelchair was no joke and this jerk just destroyed all my hard work.
Before I could even shush him, Vic took him from my arms and he was quiet. He cradled him in his arms and Tristan was grinning like an idiot.

“Do you want to go out?” he asked him and answered for him. Yaay! Let’s go out, Vic said and started moving out of the room and I followed them.

“Traitor,” I said to Tristan when we caught sight of each other. When we got to the stairwell Vic ordered one of his goons to help me.
Right now, I had to act the part of the lady in distress too. The weaker I made them see me, the less they would see me as a threat.
That was also the only card I had right now.
That show however didn’t stop me from studying my prison.

All the doors had codes which were now etched into my mind except the main entrance door.
I had counted the cameras and come to a conclusion that I had better odds taking out the guards than evading the cameras with a baby. Had I been alone it would have been so much easier.
The motion sensors were easy to disarm and they were in a few rooms and specific corridors.
I just hoped there were no more surprises like pressure plates or lasers.
Otherwise I would be screwed. My eyes were intently eyeing the lock pad as Vic put in the code but I missed one digit when Tristan sneezed. Shit!

As soon as we were out I was in awe of the scene. I could hear the ocean waves and the water crashing into the rocks and it was peaceful. This was a place worth living.
We took a clear cemented pat down to the dock, where variety of boats lay in wait.
Vic took a seat on the edge of the bridge and dunked his feet into the blue water after tossing his sandals. Tristan was still in his arms peaceful as ever.
I envied him because I was stuck on this wheelchair and he made no attempt to help me out.

Well, his loss. I thought when I realized I was at a vantage point to see how they were operating the boats.
I saw one of them place the keys on the roof edge and leave them there. I could clearly see the boats had GPS systems so that was a win. I could easily navigate to the mainland or another island or just away, somewhere.

“Well?” He said staring at me and my gaze turned from the boats.
“What?” I asked ignorant of what he was commenting on.
“You seem to like boats, do you want to take a ride?” He asked giving me that childish smile that made him look so cute.
“No,” I answered simply and stared at the horizon.
“What, afraid that I’ll dump you in the middle of the ocean?” he asked still focused on me but I ignored him. I was after all his hostage.
“I promise not to get you wet,” he smirked when he finally got my attention.
“Be courteous enough to cover his ears,” I said gesturing at Tristan and I headed to the boats.
Trust me, I had no intention of getting into one with him but I had all the intention of getting into one when I made my escape. I watched boat number 7 dock and the doctor step out. My doctor to be exact.

I had to find out what was in that bag and the fact that he never carried the medicine bottles with in to my room made it difficult.
I’ll get you one day, he took a glance behind and when his eyes met mine I gave him a sexy wink.
My scrutiny however was cut short by the appearance of her.

I was really shocked, my heart made that clear but my expression did not change.
She was like a ghost, appearing and disappearing unexpectedly.
In mere seconds she was standing behind me and ran her hand through my hair.

When she did it again she held it in a tight grip before she could reach the end.

“I want you to get this clearly,” she whispered as she bent slightly, “If you hurt him, if you touch even a single strand of his hair, death will be the least of your worries.” Then she let go. She was a problem. I realized as I massaged my scalp to ease the pain.
"You shouldn't take her words lightly,"  Alehandro finally spoke and fpr the first time I realised he hadn't left my side.
Well for now I could just enjoy the view and the cool ocean air, I decided after realising how easy it was to put him down.

Oooh the bad blood between those two, can't wait to see what's next.

Stick around to see if it ends up in some sweet cold blood murder. Maybe a fight to the death🤭

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