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Fortunately nature was on our side as the alarms didn't go off and we were able to sneak around the house invincible.
Vic and Nick had promised to help me get the kids first before they sought out Xander and Kim for their vengeance.
Xander's house was pretty bare and even the guards did not lurk around.

He just had a few cameras which we avoided very easily and the doors were not even locked.
We were heading to the second floor when Nick decided to voice out her thoughts.

"He's playing us," she said suddenly coming to a halt. We both gave her our full attention as she continued.

"We're underestimating him again, there's no way it can be this easy to maneuver around his house. I accept we're good at all this black opp's shit but the dude leads the motherfucking Mexican gang." She continued as she looked around at the darkness.

Claps broke out as soon as she finished talking and the lights were turned on.
We could now see clearly the red target dots aimed at each of our foreheads and chest area.

"A little lower," Xander said as he walked down the stairs clad in sweatpants and a t shirt and his hair was all ruffled. We definitely woke him from his sleep. Vic stared at the red dot around his groin and just smirked.

"You know what I've just realized," he said wearing a sinister smirk as he glared at us, "I don't need you two anymore," he said as he came face to face with me.
He grabbed a fistful of my hair and drew my face close to his, "I only need my bride," he added and proceeded to drag me upstairs.

We were barely up two steps when I tried to drive my knife in his gut but he had fast reflexes and I only ended up grazing his side. He threw me down as he checked on his wound which was bleeding more than I had accounted for.
He was quick to rip his shirt and tie it around his lean waist to stop the bleeding.

"You're hemophilic," Vic voiced out as a smile graced his face but Xander's went pale just for a little while. He turned to look at Vic and just snorted as he yanked me by my arm once more but right now I'd rather he just kill me.
I aimed for a punch on his wound but once more he was too fast as I missed and tripped on the stair.

"Why are you so stubborn!" he shouted as he kicked me and I fell down the stairs.
Vic helped me up ignoring the targets he had. Nick on the other hand was very quiet and obviously calculating our chances.
Xander walked up to us and pointed with his fingers to Vic's arm and shot. From him it was pretend but a shot certainly was taken and it tore through Vic's arm, a clean entry and exit wound.
He clutched onto it but didn't make a sound as blood seeped through both sides.
Xander walked up to us once more but this time Nick grabbed him and used him as a human shield. Xander just gave out a chuckle as she placed a knife on his side.

"What's with you and wanting to spill my guts today," he exhaled.
"Nick," I called onto her when I realized the target was on her back now. Before she could make a move his left hand which held the knife was on the ground.
A clean cut. She let out a scream as I rushed towards her and tried to wrap it with my top. Kim came out of the blues a sinister smile on his face. I felt so defeated and any hope of escaping these people was dwindling.
Nick however got up and ran towards Kim. She wanted him dead and nothing could stop her.
She was about to punch him with her right hand but he caught it midair and she did a backward somersault breaking her right hand and was on his back. Her legs tightly held onto his waist as her mouth made for his neck. He tried to rip her off but when her head rose from his neck, we saw them, two pins from the grenades Kim had strapped on his chest.

I grabbed Vic's hand and we ran to the nearest window and jumped. I could feel the glass piercing into my hand but being blown up was not an option.
We were fortunate to be on the first floor and no bones were broken. Xander landed in a perfect Spiderman pose effectively avoiding any harm. Vic on the other hand landed on his front but he was up within seconds his eyes filled with tears as he turned to Xander.
He was going to kill him.
He threw his punches with perfect precision and too fast for a man of his build but I was not surprised.
Xander was also fast in blocking.
Vic missed each time. Xander however couldn't do one thing, he couldn't hit him because he bruised easily due to his condition.
All he could do was escape Vic's kicks and punches and hope to find a weapon soon because Vic was deranged.

I was suddenly distracted by the sound of running feet as Xander's guard made their way towards the backyard.
I hid behind a tree and caught the first one by his throat and grabbed his pocket knife and slashed it.
I grabbed his gun and the grenades he had strapped to him and threw two to the incoming guards.
I closed my ears to shield the ringing sound, my ears couldn't take it anymore as my world was still spinning from the first one.
By the aid of the tree and some night vision googles I was able to aim and shoot. I was in sufficient supply of bullets and it seemed the guards had realized that I was a more than worthy opponent.
I turned my attention back to the fighting duo and saw that Xander had a couple of bruises and Vic's shot arm was giving out.

Then I saw it, a woman running with a baby carrier. I didn't think twice as I came from my hiding spot and ran towards her clutching the knife.
One guard came out of nowhere but not today pal, I said as I went on my knee evading the shot and slashed his femoral artery then under his armpit. For the next one I just jumped on him and broke his neck.
Before his body slumped down I was on my feet once more. The lady made to enter a car and I grabbed a gun and shot the tires deflating then. She stopped and turned towards me in fear.

"Give me the baby," I said as I stretched my hands towards her and she proceeded to hand me the child.
Finally, I gave out a sigh as I kissed her. It was a her.


Yaaaaaaay! You've reached the end 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ik, ik, ik
That can't be the end
But this is what you get when a highly functioning sociopath writes a book😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ooooh, I wish

Well you want to find out who won between Vic and Xander?
Is Nick really dead?
I also have the same questions😂

Hang around and maybe, just maybe, I might do a sequel

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