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I had come to learn of Xander's hidden reputation in the black market courtesy of the dark web.

To the normal eye Xander was just a regular businessman who had managed to build a reputable and legal pharmaceutical empire but when you know where to look, you'd see right through his mask.

Xander had been in the Skin Trade for more than 20 years now.
At 42 he was one of the most ruthless and feared men in the underworld. The only reason they didn't cross paths was that Vic's skin trade was not underground.
It was one of his covers.

Always providing escorts in his hotels. One other thing that intrigued me about this dude was that no one had any idea wat he looked like.

Him or his personal bodyguard, no ID.

Chen was perfect when it came to information because he never left anything out and he had provided me with all that I needed.
According to this the only way I was going to get close to Xander was through one of his sales.
He always made his transactions in person, it encouraged trust and loyalty, he claimed.

Friday night, Vinam shipyard that was his next sale and we could infiltrate it.
I couldn't pass as a buyer but I knew someone who could pass as one.


"This is a bad idea Nick," Chen said as I drove him to the sale.

"All you have to do is get close to him and just get any physical contact with him." I said trying to give him some sense of confidence.
I didn't understand how he missed the military training and got into Vic's business.

"You have to drive in alone, I told him as I stepped out of the Benz and handed him the keys.
I'll have your back, I said as I maintained eye contact with him and gave him a slight peck.
I was just stroking his ego to make him get moving and it did for he just ignited the car and drove off.

I just had to stand at a vantage point to get him. According to protocol if anything out of the ordinary ever happened to Xander, his personal bodyguard Kim took over.
He was his deputy. If anything was to happen to Xander Kim would be the one to get him out, I was counting on it.
Maybe I had no idea what either of them looked like but at least I knew the car.

I was strategically placed behind the parked cars at the shipyard.
The grab was a one man mission, I couldn't risk Chen's poseys ruining it for me.
Chen also seemed to be impatient but Xander did what we had counted on, he went to greet his buyers personally as always.
Chen's hand was laced with a sedative which was infused into Xander through the skin contact.
I just had to wait ten minutes and he would be mine.
I watched him as he started the auction presenting both girls and boys as young as ten years old.

The buyers shamelessly made their bids and everyone it seemed was a pedophile.

I was distracted by this when I saw Xander fall down but Kim grabbed him before he could hit the ground.

Well, I assumed it was Kim, the dude was so good that no one knew his or his bosses identity.
He was rushing towards the car in seconds, Xander on his shoulder as the other men held everybody on gunpoint.

I was counting each step and as he got closer I was getting excited to finally get some action.
He had barely got to the car when I saw his face and the memory flashed just like it was yesterday.

It was him!


Tristan and I were on the balcony once more when I spotted Vic at a distant.
Surprisingly, the other guard I think his name was Mikael was the one accompanying him and not Nick.

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