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I waited eagerly for Doctor Simons to arrive.
My heart beat in anticipation as I hoped this would work out.
Before he could pass my room to go to wherever he goes to hide the bottles I called onto him.
I had an innocent smile plastered on my face and I could see his hesitation.

You should listen to your gut, I thought as I maintained eye contact with him.
He was dressed casually in jean shorts and a flowered shirt.
He looked more like a beach boy but his glasses gave him the nerdy look. Also the fact that his hair was gelled and combed to perfection.

“Just a second doc,” I said getting my flirt on and he yielded.
I was sitting with my legs dangling over the bed.
I was in a hospital gown which I had yanked up to expose my thighs.
He came into the room but didn’t come close to me.
I could see his eyes diverting to my eyes trying to concentrate on my face but come on, sexy thighs and an exposed cleavage, give me one nerd who can resist that?

“Come closer, I won’t bite,” I told him and pouted while flattering my lashes. I had licked my lips and bit them a little to make them redder so that they would be more appealing.
Yes, I am one of those girls who had been blessed with the art of seduction.
He walked closer unsure of what was happening but as soon as he was within my grasp, I yanked him close and hugged him ensuring my breasts were rubbing nicely on his chest and my neck tilted for better access.

My right hand was holding him in position as my left to his lower back aiming for the bag dangling from his shoulder.
I admit I wanted to run my hands through his bushy brown hair but I had a mission.
I started whispering how grateful I was to him as my tongue licked his ear from time to time and my lips rubbed his skin.
During that distraction my left hand was in his bag and my eyes were scanning through the medicine bottles and bingo! I said as I read the word paralytic drug on one of the bottles.
Fortunately it had a drawing of the blue pills and I knew it was them. Now I knew what to avoid at least.
I decided to do some more scrutinizing when I felt his hands caressing my back and his breathes getting quicker and shorter.
Then I saw it, adrenaline, just what I needed. I said as I took the bottle and a syringe and pushed them under my pillow.

I was about to push him away when I noticed Vic standing at the door.
Well, well, well, look who turned up for the show. Today it seemed, he was in business mode. Black loafers accompanied with a black fitting Armani suit, his hair gelled to perfection, what a snack!

I decided to have a little fun at Vic’s expense and kissed the good doctor.

Not just a peck or a three second kiss but a kiss which took my breath away and left him moaning for more.
I loved the taste of his lips and how soft they were and his tongue was well accustomed to this dance.

The nerd could kiss after all, I thought as our lips parted but our bodies were still entwined.

“Simons!” Yeah, there it was, I had poked the tiger.
Simons pushed me away like I was a hot pan and was meters away in an instant.
Vic was giving him a murderous glare which could weaken even the best of the best. I could see the regret in Simons face with a touch of fear. No it was more of fear than regret.

“I seduced him,” I finally spoke breaking the uncomfortable silence that had reigned in the atmosphere and rubbing my thighs openly.

“Get out!” Vic finally spoke not gi
ving me any attention or indication that he had heard what I said. Simons ran out before big boss could change his mind.

“See you later munchkin,” I shouted as he ran out sending him kisses. I then leaned back on the bed wearing a dreamy smile and looked at Vic when I dropped the bomb, “I think am in love.”

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