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The name was interesting at first but I never realized how weird it was until today, Vermilion Flavian, I thought as I headed to my room.

Sheeesh! I should have gone with something like Vladimir, could have brought shivers to those in bed with me, I thought as I poured myself a glass of wine and headed towards the balcony to enjoy the sight of the ocean waves.

Perks of being rich, you get a kick ass estate, with a private beach and an awesome view of the sunset and sunrise.

"She's lying," Nick said leaning on the balcony door. Creepy, always so stealthy. She was always a sight for sore eyes, I thought as I studied her from head to toe and back.

"I know," I answered as I inched closer to her, trapping her between my body and the wall. She gave me that smirk that was so tempting. She was like Athena, the goddess of war at the same time so appealing physically.
My mind was in dissary and I couldn't process anything else other than I was in need of a 'fix'.

"She might be playing you so that..." she started but I shushed her.
"We have some unfinished business," I whispered as I ran my hands through her eyelids then her nose and finally her lips, so inviting.

I kissed her with so much hunger and let myself get lost in her passion once more. I loved how she ran her fingers through my hair and grip it.

How her tongue felt on my skin. How she would graze me using her teeth. Her little bites.

How her muscles clenched with each thrust. I just loved the feeling of taking her each time.

However, I also knew his was a dangerous game I was playing. I knew Nick had feelings for me but I couldn't love her back. I could only give her physical satisfaction otherwise I was dark inside.

Feeling was an aspect that I had forgotten a long time ago. I thought as her moans drove me wild once more.
I watched her as she rode on to her high and effectively gave me the same satisfaction.
We were both exhausted and I just let her lay on my arms fully aware that she wouldn't be there when I woke up. That was the good thing about her, she understood where our relationship stood.

That I couldn't give her more than what I already was giving. It was a strict friends with benefits.
My thoughts went back to her. Honestly I had no idea why I brought her to my home. I could have left her in the hospital and just pay her bill and she could be on her way as soon as she was cleared.

The story she told me, well, I give her a thumbs up, she had narrated it so well that I almost fell for it, almost. Maybe we could stick with the story that I just had a good heart helping a needy person but that was a lie. Something drew me to her and I had to know what.

Fuck! I didn't even know her name.
I needed to clear my mind so I took out my drawing pad and a pencil. Her face was still etched in my memory so I just used an ordinary hp pencil to curve her face, a perfect oval and her cheecks were not so defined.

She was more on the chubby side. Her eyes were like the ocean but I couldn't capture them in my simple art so I just kept them in my head.
Her hair, so dark but not perfect, it didn't blend well with her almost pale skin.
She had freckles around her eyelids and cheeks.

Her nose was a bit big but good for her and her lips were so enticing though they were barely full. I leaned back into bed and warpped my arm around Nick but kept my attention on the drawing. I was lost in it when Nick drew me from my reverie.

"Her physique," Nick said as she slid off my arms and stepped out of bed. She started dressing putting me in a trance like state as my desire grew again.

"Wait, what?" I asked processing that she had just said something.
"Her physique, look at the structure of her arms, legs and abs. I don't think she got all that from constant fucking. She is strong, probably fast too and I bet she can operate a gun as well as I can or better." Nick added as she buttoned up my shirt.

"You ripped mine, again," she said as she showed me her middle finger and walked out. Fuck I need a cold shower, I realized as soon as she closed the door.

As soon as I hit the sower my thoughts went back to my lady in distress. I studied her from my memory and I could see what Nick meant. She was amazingly fit, not malnourished, or weirdly thin just fit. I knew there was more to her story and I would find out.


I have a plan Nick," I said as I walked up to her on the balcony rail as she watched the sunrise. She didn't turn to face me or signify that she was going to give me any attention so I walked and stood next to her leaning on the rail. She was expressionless but I had gotten used to it so it was not a big deal. Sometimes.
"We have to bait her, if she won't show her true colors willingly then well just force her hand," I said my plan running through my mind once more and I laid it all out for Nick. Her reply was just a smirk and a nod in approval. Whoever you are Blue eyes, I'll find out.


🥰 Nick's not soo bad🤧

I really have no clue who am shipp for right now

I just realised I don't have any ship names😂😂😂😂😂

Fuck it, am a weirdo😂😂😂

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