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I groaned in pain as I finished the last stitch hoping my guts wouldn’t spill out.
I was so intoxicated that my body was numb making it easier to stitch myself up.
I would rest for today but after that I had to bring Nima back.
I had managed to steal a smartphone and break into a rental room for the night.

Xander might have given me a week but all I needed was a day, I thought as I stare at the gps coordinates.
I had put a gps implant inside her through her bullet wound before she was stitched up a few months ago.
I could find her anywhere.
Fortunate for me she wasn’t just anywhere, she was in Mexico, she was here.
I smiled as I continued looking at the red dot.

I woke up the next day to blinding lights, a splitting headache and unending pain.
It was as if all my bones had been broken then glued back together and the pain was still fresh.
I popped some pain meds to help me get through the day to say the least.
I just had to get her to Xander and Vic would be safe.

I knew Vic was in love with her but I also loved him and that’s why I had to do this.
I had promised myself that his life would always come first and the only thing which would make me break that promise was my demise. Call me selfish but it is what it is!

I forced my body into the shower once more and got dressed in the same clothes I had nabbed from a cloth line the day before.
I was fortunate that some hotel rooms were so easy to break into because I was strapped for cash for the first time in a long time.
I left through the window my hoodie covering half of my face and followed the gps locater.
I knew walking would be futile but  damn I was good at stealing cars. My eyes landed on a minivan just packed outside the rentals and I knew it was my best bet. I hotwired it and wit the help of google maps I was driving towards her. I could see that she wasn’t moving and that aided my chase a whole lot, that is unless she had found the implant and left it in a dumpster then things would be bad.
I stopped about a mile from her location and hid the car in some bushes. This place was very deserted and so many thoughts clouded my mind. Why was she in Mexico in the first place? What if she was playing Vic? I decided to case the area cautiously incase I was walking into a trap. This place seemed familiar I thought as the estate came into view. Then it dawned on me, she was in  Xander’s place. I took out the phone I had stolen and dialed Vic’s number but nothing.
“Back so soon,” I heard his voice and my body went numb. A sting followed and I was unconscious in no time.


I felt drowsy, I knew I had been drugged fortunately I was accustomed to the feeling.

“Hello brother,” the voice rented the air before my eyes cleared and I could make out his figure. Vincent!

“You’re awake,” the second voice followed and blood drained from my face. I looked at my father hatred clear in my face and I just wanted to kill him right there and then. Famoly drama, it was more than that.

“What am I doing here Byron,” I asked my father using his first name.
“Oh!” he placed his right hand on his chest signifying hurt but we both knew he was just being dramatic for nothing. I despised him, he despised me, what else did we need.

“You even changed your accent,” another voice added and I was suddenly in kill mode. Vyzer!
They were all here. They definitely wanted something from me.

“Come on, don’t pretend to be dumb. We know you found her Xander. You found the key to the Rostov wealth. You found your bride.” My father said a sinister smile plastered on his face.
I should have known. Only money could make Byron want to see his disappointment of a son after so many years.

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