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As soon as I had left her room I went to the bathroom and took a deep breath as I stared at myself in the mirror.
Who was she?
What did Vic see in her?

I wondered as I straightened my untamable hair. She had messed it up.

What I knew however was that I had to solve this mystery before things went further.
Vic was already beating himself up and I had no idea why. When he was in pain I was in pain too.

He was my life and I would do anything to ensure my life was safe from emotional and physical pain.

I have to solve this puzzle, I made up my mind and left to pack my go bag. Whatever it takes.
In no time I was in a commercial flight heading to Mexico. To connect the dots I had to start from the beginning of the story.

"Where the fuck are you?" I shouted at Angel because he was late. My flight landed an hour ago and the bastard had the balls to make me wait.

"I am riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhtttt here!" He said dragging his words as he finally arrived.

I slung my bag on the shoulder and threw it on the backseat as I took the keys from him and locked the car from the inside.
Fucker, I thought as I drove off leaving him behind. I didn't care if he was Vic's boy here because I outranked him.

I sped through the headlights heading to the base. I needed a tech expert if I was going to get the footage at the airport and identify the goons who had been chasing Nima.
Just thinking of her infuriated me but the anxiety of figuring out what hid behind those blue eyes was worth it.

I left the car at the buildings entry door and tossed the keys at the valet and grabbed my bag.
I looked at the Sichen Hotel with admiration.

Vic had managed to build an entire chain of hotels and resorts. That however cost him, a lot if I may add. I guess that's why I was there guarding him from all the maniacs.

"Nick," Chen had been waiting for me at the doors and gave me a warm hug as reception.
He was adorned in a sleek white suit which brought out his light blonde hair perfectly.
His annoying smile was still etched in his face.

"Still cold as ever I see," he scoffed after I made no attempt to return the hug and my expression remained stone cold.
Well let's get to business then.

"My tech team was able to hack the airport cameras but they had been wiped clean no trace whatsoever of the date you gave me well except for whatever had been aired in the news.

Also we found out that it was not the cops who leaked the partial images but they were from an unknown source probably whoever you're looking for. Unfortunately we couldn't find the unknown source either."

"So you're telling me that I came all this way for nothing," I asked as I controlled my rage.

"I didn't say we have nothing Bella, I just said they left no trace," he said smirking at me. Don't let the smile and the rich boy act fool you dude was a genius.

"On that day all the cameras leading to the airport were turned off so no footage. No trace of anything. They made a blind spot for whatever they were up to that day so I can assure you were not dealing with a rookie. We narrowed down the area and we got a hit. Mira's clothing empire." He finished dramatically and grinned at me.
I don't believe I am deaf but I had not gotten anything from all that.

"Hence, therefore, so....get to the point dude." I said getting aggravated by the dramatic pauses. This wasn't one of shakes peer's plays, it was a real life situation.

"It's a clothing empire not just a store, only the high and mighty shop there my sweet. That is why they have an appointment policy. All of the names checked out except one." He said as he brought the name into view 'Xander what now.' I asked as I was unable to get the last name.

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