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“You know what I realized the first time I saw you, I wanted to be you Nick. You’re so strong and you don’t take shit from anyone. Look at you right now Nick, take a good look at yourself. You’re so pathetic. You made yourself a sex doll for those monsters.” I screamed out as I watched Nick in a crouched baby position.
She wasn’t even tied up and I right now our only source of salvation. I had tried for days to make her react to just make her do something.

“Get up Nick, get the fuck up,” I screamed at her but there was no reaction.
“Please Nick, for Tristan please I beg off you. He will kill him as soon as he gets hold of the money. Nick look at me please,” I begged as I felt my strength wavering.
I couldn’t hold on much longer, the pain was too much.
When I landed in South Africa a few days or weeks ago, I had no idea how long it was since we were caged here but when I landed I knew I couldn’t leave Vic to clean up my mess.
I left Tristan outside a convent and watched as a nun embraced him and they took him in. Unknown to them they had the richest and most powerful child on earth in their clutches.

I was in a flight to Mexico in no time and headed to Xander’s place.
I had made up my mind to offer myself to him in exchange of Vic’s life. I also knew if I managed to get close enough to him I could finally rid the world of his presence making it a safer place but I was so wrong.
He captured Nick and Vic and decided to torture them for a while and use them as an insurance policy that I would marry him and give him a son. He thought Tristan was worthless without Masha.

Out of anger I tried to kill him and ended up joining them in this hole.
He said that here I would straighten up and learn some discipline.

That’s why he was so focused on feeding me his bullshit stories each day with the hope that for some reason fear included I would submit but he didn’t know me.

I had spent years learning with the yakuza and was one of the best private contractors for governments. That’s why they all made sure I did not exist, anywhere. I had trained with the Mossad, CIA and MI6 too. My skills couldn't be pinpointed to one organisation or country. That's why they all took great pleasure in using me.

“Nick,” I heard his voice for the first time in days distracting me from my thoughts and I couldn’t help but cry in delight.
I saw her sit up as she crawled closer to the direction where his voice came from.

“Nick, I need you to be strong right now,” he said his voice wavering and Nick began crying.
“I..I..” he started but Vic’s voice gave in and he was gone just like that.

“Vick, Vick don’t leave me please, Vic please don’t leave me, I am so sorry Vic, I…,” Nick cried out as she tried to get through the wall not realizing that was an impossible mission.

“Nick, look at me,” I said now gaining a new surge of strength as I knew he was alive.
Nick turned her face towards me and I couldn’t stop the tears from continuing to flow. She was a skeleton of her previous person. Her eyes were so hollow, so many scars.
“Nick we can’t go down like this,”
“This is your fault,” she said as she slowly got on her feet. My eyes lit up and I knew her anger was better than nothing at this point.

“It is Nick, it’s all my fucking fault and if you want revenge you’ll have to get to me.
The only way that will be possible is if we get out of here first then you can do anything you want to me Nick, I won’t even fight back but first we have to get out.” Nick stared at me
“You help me kill Kim and your debt is paid,” she told me as she stood upright though her legs were a bit shaky.

“I’ll fucking help you cook him for dinner if you want,” I said as I smirked and we devised our plan.
She spent the rest of the night or day calling onto Vic.

Fortunately, somewhere during that time a doctor I presumed came in and fixed my wound. He also uncuffed my hands and I could finally lie down though my legs were still chained.
We waited patiently until they came again. Xander’s underdogs.
They came for Nick but this time round she was not so weak. She was lying on the hard cold ground when they opened her cell.
“Hey,” I called onto them. “Am here too, I said as I crouched and gave them an ‘I dare you look.’
“What, you can’t handle all this, I asked as I unstrapped my bra and just held onto it not letting it fall. I just needed one of them.
Nick was strong but not for two. Divide and conquer.
One made his way towards me but the other held his hand and whispered something.
I could see fear flash across his face briefly but he was a man after all. He opened my cell and closed the door. I could see how excited he was and I crawled towards him on my knees. As soon as I was close to him the other went into Nick’s cell and I heard her shout now. Yes my feet and neck were chained but you know what my mouth and hands weren’t . My hands were still in a lot of pain and inactive but my mouth wasn’t.
I bit his man wand and wouldn’t let go as he screamed. Nick had his counterpart down in seconds and was in my cell breaking my victim’s neck. I smiled as I spit out some of the blood but I could feel the rest dripping from my mouth.
The adrenaline had kicked in, Nick uncuffed my chains and we were looking for Vic in no time. If he was dead, no I can’t think about that right now.
He would live.
We were bursting into his cell within a minute and he lay at the corner naked.
Nick rushed toward him but he didn’t respond to her calls or her kisses or embrace. He was just there, numb. I went towards him and ran my hands through his hair as I desired to see his eyes once more. I ran to my cell and undressed the man and Nick helped me dress Vic all the while tears in her eyes.
I couldn’t blame her. 
She tried lifting him up but alone it was futile and I helped.
She was on the left and I on the right and we dragged his almost lifeless form out.
He was dead weight but we couldn’t leave him behind. We were through the first few cells when we saw the stairs but we could hear some of them laughing.
Nick looked at me and I knew we had the same thought.

We laid Vic down on the corner and I cracked my fingers as we ran towards the open room.
Six men, I smirked as I hope on the first one and broke his neck using my knees and he fell down with a thud.
I could see fear flash in the others as Nick slapped her opponent’s ears and he was swirling in confusion and she kneed his lower back and we all heard the bones crack.
We went for the others with such velocity and ferociousness that we could be mistaken for a hungry pack of wolves.
But we were hungry, hungry for vengeance and vengeance we would have.
As soon as the last one was on the ground I was rummaging through the desk though there was not much. It was then that I saw it.
Time to wake up Vic, I said as I grabbed the AED.
I lay him down on his back and Nick gave me those are you sure eyes.
I didn’t have time for doubts as I charged it and shocked him.

I was not counting on him waking up so fast or with so much strength as he grabbed each of us on the neck and pinned us down.
We tried to speak but he was clenching too hard. Before either of us could result into some catastrophic measures his grip softened and he drew us into a hug. He gave Nick a kiss on the forehead then me and hugged us once more.

“I guess this is a breakout,” he said as he pulled us to our feet. I hugged him once more and Nick couldn’t stop crying.
“Am so sorry,” she whispered and Vic kissed her. He kissed her like she was his lifeline, his love.
I stared at them jealousy evident in my eyes and my heart was in so much pain.
I didn’t know when but I had fallen for him too though his desire was pretty clear.

“Weapons,” he asked as soon as he was done and I led them towards the lifeless bodies as we searched through them.
We only found knives, seemed guns were a luxury not accorded to them.
“Let’s get out of here,” I said as I led them into climbing up the stairs.


They're out!

They're mad!

They're thirsty for blood!

They want revenge!

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