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I woke up in a strange room and my mind couldn’t comprehend where I was.
I feared for the worst but Vic’s heart and mind was in the right place when it came to me, right?
Well at least his conscience was.
I moved my hands through the silky sheets as I noted that I was lying on a very expensive queen bed and my linens were world class. 

My eyes darted to the left where the bookshelf stood filled with dozens of books and a study table. I ran my eyes through the books tears brimming in my eyes as I saw they were in collections. Harry Porter books, Olympus, Shakespeare, wow!

As I drew my eyes to the right I noticed the 40 inch television that was pinned on the wall.
Finally I saw the only thing that could make my heart melt any day, Tristan’s crib. He was asleep. His visage was that of an angel and he was smiling obviously having a good dream.

His gum was the cutest little thing. He was so adorable that I just got out of bed and went closer to watch him.

I had to restrain from caressing him afraid that it would result in him waking up.

My memory went back to the night before as I thought of how I got here.
That bastard, I shouted inward when I remembered that Vic had carried me from Tristan’s room where I had fallen asleep. At least he was a sleek bastard I thought as I started studying the room once more.
There were four doors in the room and the urge to find out what lay behind them was killing me. I went to the first one and yanked it open to find the burly Mexican guard on guard.

“Good morning Alehandro,” I smiled as I waved at him knowing very well that was not his name. Well if you’re hot and Mexican Alehandro is a very sweet name. He grunted and ignored me once again and continued blocking the door with his burly figure.
Probably hasn’t forgiven me for kicking his ass the other night. I thought as I closed the door and went to the next one.

I was hit by a minty scent with a lavender smell and that just made me want to hide in the toilet forever.
One day maybe, I said as I inhaled the scent one last time and went to the next door. Probably a bathroom. Well, I understated it.
It was massive, with a tub, a shower, marble floors, glass doors, a cabinet full of everything, soaps of all kinds and scents, shampoos, conditioners, towels.
A huge mirror, decorated with diamond shaped crystals. Just perfect.

I went out once more and turned the next door, a closet obviously.
Bingo, I said when I opened it but I lost my words.
I was simply, mystified, and mesmerized, whatever you want to call it. It was circular and one half was filled with my, okay okay lets not jump into conclusions but lady attire’s which were probably mine while the other was all baby clothes.

So tiny and so numerous, even a suit, I realized as I ran towards them. Little Armani suits and little baby loafers, oxford shoes, name it.
He would look just like a mini Vic, I thought blushing. Wait, what, I touched my cheeks and hit my head to wipe the thoughts.
Why was I thinking of him. He had done all of this but no way.
I turned to stare at my clothes but the big empty space in the middle was not supposed to be there. I realized as I noticed the oval shape of something, I had to find a button.

I was going through the clothes tossing them out of the closet, momentarily forgetting that someone used his or her time to do all this and I was taking them so far back. I mean I obviously wouldn’t spend my day arranging a closet.

“Where the fuck are you?” I said as I tossed out the last of the dresses from the hanger.

“Identity confirmed, welcome Miss Nima,” a computerized female voice said as the ground rose.
I watched as each of the jewelry levels came into appearance. Diamond, gold, crystal necklaces, bangles, rings, earrings all types of accessories. He had outdone himself. I mean I won’t lie but am so into this female shit.
I went closer to the glass and looked at all of it in awe. All these must have cost millions.
“I see you don’t like dresses,” the voice broke the silence that had been looming in the air. I turned around to meet Vic watching me intently. The fact that I had not heard him get in meant that I had been truly distracted. I was never distracted.
“You outdid yourself kind sir,” I said bowing my head slightly to mock him and walked past him intentionally hitting his left hand with my shoulder. I heard him scoff but I didn’t look back and walked to Tristan’s crib. That contact reminded me of the kiss we shared. A thought that I had done so well hiding it in the back of my mind.

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