Chapter Thirty

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"He took them, didn't he?" I asked.

Desiree took us into her caravan for coffee. I slowly sipped on mine. We tried to get our friends off of our minds.

"Of course he did. The son of a bitch really wants to hurt us, Mel," Jimmy answered.

"How are we gonna get them back?" I asked.

"We'll have to visit the Mott Manor," Desiree said.

"We should call my brother. He'll help us," I said.

"And I'll call the Manor. See if I can reach Bette and Dot," Jimmy added.

Jimmy and I walked to the two phones Elsa had in her room. We picked them up and dialed the numbers. I dialed the number for the hotel Peter was staying at.

"Hello, this is Pam from Sunset Ave Hotel. How may I help you?" A woman asked into the phone.

"Hi. My name is Melanie. I believe my brother Peter Oswald was staying at your hotel? I was wondering if he had checked out?" I asked.

"Hold on one moment," she began. "Mr. Oswald never checked out of the hotel. But I'm afraid that he hasn't come back to the hotel in quite some time to retrieve his belongings. We are about to contact the police."

"What? That can't be right. He wouldn't just leave his things. I'll try to contact him and I will call back, alright?" I asked.

"Thank you, Ms. Oswald. I will talk to you later. Goodbye," she said and hung up.

I felt my chest tighten and my breath quickening. All of the things that could've happened to him raced through my mind. Jimmy noticed I was freaking out, so he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"What's wrong, Mel?" He asked.

"Peter isn't at the hotel. He left all of his stuff there and hasn't come back out for days," I explained.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. We'll figure it out, alright?" He said.

I nodded and hugged him even closer.

"Now we can't waste any more time. We have to go save the twins," He said, taking my hand and walking back to Desiree.

"What happened when you called?" Desiree asked Jimmy.

"The girls picked up. They said that they were trapped with Dandy and that they couldn't escape. They said that I had called at the right time because he was out," Jimmy said.

"Well we have to go. Now!" I exclaimed.

"No. They said it was too risky. They said that he was coming home and to come back tomorrow at 6:30," Jimmy explained.

"6:30?! We have to wait that long?" I exclaimed.

"Melanie. It's okay," Desiree said.

"No! They're the last piece of family I have left and I can't just let them stay in there!" I yelled.

Jimmy hugged me again and I started crying. I remembered all of my family, just sitting there, lying in that pile like they were trash. I needed to bury them. I needed them to be at rest.

"We have to move their bodies," I said quietly after some time.

"Can you handle that right now?" Jimmy asked.

"No, but neither can you," I said.

He nodded. "We just can't let them lay there," he said.

Jimmy and I looked to Desiree. She had tears rolling down her face. "They'd do the same for me," she said.

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