Chapter 2

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Valentine POV

Hm new Boys at the school. Which actually means new toys.

Kidding, kidding.


but I do need a good hookup after last times disaster ugh a guy is all confident taking about how "I'm so freaky you won't be able to handle it" but when it comes down to it all they do is gently put there hand on your throat then they start to chicken out and become all shy.

Fucking gross.

"Please Val be nice" Lucia asks with a pleading tone.

i know she is already worried I'm going to brake one of their little hearts.

which I might she is not wrong but that look on her face kills me.

"Don't worry your little head I'm just going to have....a little fun" I say with a smirk.

"Oh Jesus Val not on our first day back" clem says while rolling her eyes at me.

"Hm wanna roll your eyes at me again?"I say while glaring at clem.

"Yeah, yeah we get it your scary" clem says huffing.

"Guys! Stop not on our first day back" Lucia says pleading with puppy eyes.

Jesus I hate those fucking eyes, they always work.

Like on everyone.

"Ugh fine you annoying ass baby face fu-"I'm cut off by a annoying ass clem.

"No more swearing your corrupting our child" clem says while pointing at luc.

"CLEM IM NOT CHILD" Luc whines loudly.

"Yes, yes you are now both of you shut the fuck up my head is killing me" I rub my tired eyes and lay my head back.

"Wait are you okay? Do you need some water or food....wait no maybe a snack..NO WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING YOU NEED MEDICINE. CLEM DO YOU HAVE ANY TABLETS" Lucia says like mad woman.

"I think I have some calpol tablets, wait Have you drunk any water today?, why am I even asking course you fucking haven't, okay right first thing when we get to school is to g-" clem is cut off by me.

These girls.


my girls.

"I'm fucking fine guys, please don't worry" I say in a soft tone.

"Are you sure?" Clem asks.

"YES, god you guys"I say getting annoyed now.

"Aw our baby isn't well we have to look after her" clem says pinching my cheek while she speaks in a annoying baby voice.

"Do not touch me" i say angrily and push her hand away.

I only tolerate this behaviour from clem and luc because they are like family to me. Anyone else who tried to pinch my cheek would end up with a broken hand and they both know that.

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