Chapter 4

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Lucia's POV

Oh god Val where are you?

Seriously I'm going to start crying if I don't find her. Val does bad things to herself when she is upset and alone and I can't bare the she promised me she would try her best to stop.

We all did.

Hey Val where are you????

Hey Val please answer so I know your alright

Val please I'm really worried

Wait maybe she is behind the school where is always goes to smoke a calm stick.

I prefer that word to cigarettes because even though I know there really bad for you and I don't like her doing it, it really is a big help for Val to relax and not harm herself or others.

So a calm stick.

I make my way down the hallway speed walking with my hands tightly holding onto the straps of my backpack. I don't like being on my own to many bad things can happen.

Soon enough tears start to spring my eyes and my sight becomes a little blurry. Why am I such a baby Jesus I'm left alone for two seconds and this is what happens.

Suddenly I see I figure down the hall. I squint my eyes to see but my tears make it very difficult as they won't stop coming.

"Val is that you?" I shout but clearly whimper.

The figure comes stomping towards me "Val?" I ask again getting a little scared now stepping back.

I close me eyes and rub them to try and get a better look at this figure but as soon as I do they are right in front of me.

"Who made you cry" his deep slightly angry voice.

"I-i uh n-no one I'm fine" I sniff quietly while looking down at my shoes.

He suddenly lifted my head by cupping my face which strangely felt comforting for a stranger.

"I'm gonna ask you again. Who made you cry" he said more of as a command than a question.

Jeez what did I do to upset him?.

"No seriously I-I'm trying to find my friend and I d-don't like being alone"saying it out loud makes me cry again.

I'm such a baby this is so embarrassing.

"Hey shh, I will help you find her. Okay?"he coos with rubbing small circles with his thumb on my tear stained cheek.

I look up at him.

He is like a tall beautiful giraffe.

my vision becomes clearer and I finally get to fully examine his face.

He has dark black hair, gorgeous green eyes, a strong jaw line with cheekbones even I'm jealous of and his muscles give him strong outline which makes him look incredibly intimidating.

I blush as I realise I have been staring at him and look down towards my shoes which right now are the most interesting things I have ever seen.

"Something you like sweetheart?" he lifts my head again.

"Oh no I'm so sorry wait no I mean yes no hang on I-" I blush furiously.

He chuckles letting go of my face and grabs a hold of my hand.

Walking forward.

What is it with this guy and fiscal contact like I COULD BE A MURDER.

oh wait maybe not that in a high school but I could be a really mean person.

Not saying I don't like it though.

I start swinging our hands as we walk it's a habit but once I realise I immediately stop and become a red tomato once again.

"Where are we going?" He demands.

"O-oh umm behind the school" I quietly answer.

I'm sorry but not only is he attractive he is really scary .

"Okay you lead the way"he says while swinging our hands like I did a few minutes ago making my heart skip a beat.


I try to pull my hand away from his grip but he only grabs on tighter with a clenched jaw.

What did I do?

"Stop trying to pull away from me sunshine or will have to teach you a lesson on how to be a good girl"he says angrily before stomping ahead still holding my hand.

"W-wait I'm meant to be showing you where to go"I say a little clearer this time.

"Okay but Just hurry the fuck up" he says while looking at me with a weird expression.

"Can i a-ask you a- a question?" I ask shyly while looking ahead.

"Sure sunshine whatever you want" he huffs.

"What's your name?" I look back towards him with questioning eyes.

"Damon" he smirks at me which can you guess makes me once again turn RED.

"O-okay my names Lucia but my friends call my luc"

"Lucia, pretty name suits you" He continues looking forward.

"Oh umm thank you" I quietly say.

We finally make it the back of the school to find something I never expected to see.

Oh my lord.


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