Chapter Two ≈ Hold Your Breath .... ≈

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My hands clutched the steering wheel as I swerved through the late afternoon traffic, my knuckles turning ghost white. My foot gradually pressed harder on the gas pedal, watching the speedometer soar past the 200 mark, but I didn't care. Tears blurred my vision, as some of them escaped and rolled down my cheeks. I kept glancing at the digital clock on the dashboard, my heart throbbing more and more in my chest as the minutes flew by. I sped through the highway packed with cars like my life depended on it, praying... praying that I'll get there in time.

I turned into the end of my block, trying to keep the steering wheel steady, dashing past the tin shacks that barely stood side by side. I could easily spot four black cars parked around the streets. It was a rare sight to see such expensive, polished cars parked in a neighborhood like this. They were each easily worth one-billion won. A bit of dread crept into the pits of my stomach, realising how powerful these people might be and how dangerous they are. I cut the engine and leaped out of the car, my heartbeat exhilarated a bit more as I sprinted into the house.

I opened the passage, hearing the small beeps echoed through the room as the door locked behind me. Walking into the house, the room was filled with a dead silence that was screaming in my ears, begging to break free. The place was thrashed , broken glass was scattered all over the floor, the couches flipped while the cushions and furniture were thrown across the room. Picture frames that once hung on the wall before I had left, were now smashed in half before my feet. The sight left me breathless.

How did they come up here? 

My father had always dealt with all of his "customers" downstairs, even when my mother was alive. No one knew that this place even existed, like how no one knew that my father still had a daughter who was perfectly well and alive. My father had sworn on it well... Well, at least that's what he had told me, during the few times he was sober in the past twelve years.

My gaze shot towards the hidden floorboard that led into the basement. It was slightly open, allowing me to see a tiny beam of light escaping through the small crack.

They must be in the basement.

I quietly dashed up the stairs so they wouldn't hear me, praying my room was still in one piece.

I locked my bedroom door behind me. Cold beads of sweat emerged on my forehead as I looked around my room in agitated panic. The place was in the same condition as the living room; all my belongings were chucked along the floor, like meaningless objects. My clothes and picture frames were scattered around the room. The place looked like a tornado had hit it.

Trying my best to snake through the mess, I walked over to my bed. Using all my strength, I managed to push my bed a bit to the side so I was able to open the loose floorboards underneath. Crouching down on the floor, I moved the floorboards aside and grabbed the two sharp blades I had hid, for just in case scenarios. I stuffed one in my shoe while I slid the other into the side of my waist. As I picked up the pistol laid on the cement floor, a shot of familiarity coursed through me. I loaded it with the few bullets I had.

My mom was the one who had taught me how to use it when I was just merely four years old, a couple of months before she passed away. Her words were still engraved in my mind when she placed the pistol in mine and my sister's hands.

 She told me I would never live in a world like my friends, that I need to know how to protect myself. No one wanted me, no one loved me. They all wanted me... No, they all needed me for my blood.

Through her words that night, a fear had sparked that no one was able to dim. It was hard to trust anyone. Everyone was seen as my enemy. Ever since she passed away, I slept with the pistol in hand. The cold metal now almost a part of me. Never knowing when it might come into use, and I guess today was it. 

≈ Flash back ≈

Her chestnut hair draped past her shoulders as she bent down on her knees, holding mine and my sister's small hands in her cold, pale ones. She gave us a little tug as she pulled both of us into her strong arms, intoxicating me with her scent, a mixture of cinnamon and the morning fall breeze, making me nuzzle my head deeper into the crook of her neck.

"I'm sorry my babies that I couldn't give you the life that you deserve. It's my fault that you have to live like this.....I'm so sorry. Please forgive me someday. Please..." Her heartwarming voice was muffled by my sister's long night sky hair. The sound of her voice slowly cracking made my heart ache in an unknown pain.

I gently held her cheek as I guided her gaze to mine. I saw small tears starting form in the corner of her sea-blue eyes. "Yes baby?" her voice came out as a tender whisper. She tried her best to hide the unbearable pain.

"Why are you crying, mama? I like staying with you and dada... are you going to leave us? Is that why you are crying like when you leave dada alone?" My lips curled into a small pout as the thought crossed my mind.

"Yah! Elyna" Jisoo whispered angrily as she pinched the side of my waist.

"Ow!" I looked at my sister furiously while I rubbed the spot she had pinched me. I looked back at mama, and a smile spread across my face as I heard her chuckling to herself. The color of her daring sea-blue eyes drowned me into a sense of a state that was unbreakable as she wiped away the last of my tears. Her gaze had turned dark, almost unrecognizable as her bittersweet whisper echoed through my ears, haunting me ever since that day.

"Don't worry baby, I promise to take you with me wherever I go... no matter where it is..." Mama whispered in a trembling voice.

I wish I knew then what she really meant when she said this to me. Maybe I could have convinced her to stay, maybe she still would have been alive now but my brain was too innocent to catch that then, making my heart tremble whenever I think of her death.


I resentfully walked down the iron steps that separated the main house from my father's lab, trying my best not to make a sound. Keeping my breathing steady, I interlaced my fingers together as I held the gun close to my chest, my index finger resting on the trigger, ready to shoot.

The dimmed hallway lights made it difficult to see as I tip-toed down the steep steps. The hair on the back of my neck began to rise as I heard the hum of multiple male voices around the corner. Leaning my back against the wall, I peered into the bright hall that was made of pure silver steel. Three deadly handsome men were talking amongst themselves in hushed whispers, making it almost impossible to overhear their murmured conversation.

I could effortlessly spot out the guns peeking out from the sides of their belts. They didn't seem as old as I had imagined, they were probably only a couple of years older than I am. Nor did they seem human, all of them were devilishly handsome, but that didn't mean they weren't murderous beings.

I studied the passage, scrambling my thoughts together, trying to unravel a plan that didn't result in me losing my head. I could hear the sound of my pulse thumping against my eardrums, letting my eyes wander to the middle of the room where the three men stood. My stare was met with one of three man's chocolate orbs. He reminded me of Peter Pan, with elf-like features, his ears were slightly pointed; his sharp pointed jaw which paired pleasantly with his rather long face.

A malicious grin spread across his heart-shaped lips when he spotted me. I swiftly lean my back against the cold corner of the metal hall, closing my eyes, biting my lower lip and mentally cursing myself.

"It's too late. We already saw you, so why don't you come out while we're being nice?" The angelic, honey-coated voice said in a mocking tone. My breath hitched. I could feel every bead of sweat dripping from my forehead at this point. I glanced down at my hands which were quivering uncontrollably as I gripped the gun tighter.

The temptation of running back up the stairs and leaving this place as nothing happened was unreal. I was stuck in my four year old body once again. I wanted to run and hide, but I needed... I had to be strong if I didn't want them to think I was weak. I take one last deep breath, masking myself with a poker face before walking around the corner, my pistol ready in my hand. 

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