Chapter Eight ≈ Once Upon A Time ≈

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The sudden frosty breeze kissed my steaming skin as I stepped onto the tiled floor. My teeth began to clatter, being exposed to the chilly air past the glass of the shower. Gripping onto the brim of the fluffy white towel that felt like a cloud as it wrapped around my body, I walked past the granite walls that were the same smokey grey color as the tube in the corner of the washroom. The polished round bathtub had a hollowed out square shape on the top that let the water fall down like raindrops. Under the bath, there was a gold light peeking out, matching the light elegant palace chandelier dangling from the high rise ceiling. The washroom was connected to another small room that most would call 'The powder room'. It was the same size compared to my underground bedroom.

The right wall had a built-in quartz countertop filled with products of beauty lines that I could only dream of having. At the end of the table, there was a metal pole underneath with a cube of the quartz attached, enhancing the table's modern beauty. The vanity table was paired with a marble cube used as a seat, a long vanity mirror that stretched from one end of the wall to the other hung over it. Small light bulbs framed the mirror with a palace chandelier that hung in the middle of the ceiling. An Ottoman's circle sofa that had jewels shining inside of it sat in the corner of the room with a furry grey throw. It lay beside the thick, smokey floor length mirror, matching the sparkling circle wallpaper.

My once puffy red eyes had disappeared from the steaming shower. My hair was still dripping with beads of water as it dragged down the side of my face. A deep sigh escaped from my lips, squeezing the last bit of despair out of me as I stared my reflection down in the mirror.

I grasped my phone that laid on the counter, sliding my fingers to the power button. It's been two hours since I have been in the washroom, two hours I wasted on tearing myself apart. But it was no use crying any more, what was done was done. I couldn't turn back time and take back my decision, at least the worst was over now. I could go back to living my somewhat normal life, adding to the fact that I now lived in a new place, sharing a room with a complete psycho. I give myself a tight smile in the mirror.

Great. Just great.

I looked over at the pyjamas that were already folded on the Ottoman's sofa in the corner of the room before I had come inside, the maids probably left it there beforehand. I picked it up, the light pink silk pyjamas were caught in the light of the gentle gold colour that hummed inside a section of the bathroom wall, making it glitter almost like it had golden stars inside. A small pocket on the corner of the shirt was embroidered with the initials of 'EJ' in golden thread. I gave myself a soft scoff, my finger tracing the two cursive letters. That's right, I reminded myself. I wasn't Elyna Barcairo any more. I was Elyna Jeon, the wife of Jeon Jungkook, the crowning king of the underworld.

≈ Flash back ≈

Waves of heat coursed through my blood, a cold sweat glistened on my forehead from the bit of moonlight pouring in through the window above my head. My eyes sunken from exhaustion, my skin was swollen, everything ached, everything sagged. The glass of water stared at me from the bedside table. I took a sip and plopped back onto my huge pillow. Lying in my small bed, I stared at the ceiling, urging myself to fall asleep, but a constant shiver went down my spine, tossing and turning through the soft mattress. It was useless. I noticed my room felt much smaller than usual, like there was something outside pressing against the windows, aching to come in. Maybe it was the noise. It is probably the noise. Tap. Tap. Tap. A thousand, million taps at once.

The language of water. It was sickening.

Her footsteps were creeking on the wooden stairs that smelt of pinewood. Her hands quietly knocked on my off-white bedroom door, "I'm coming in!" she murmured under her marmalade voice in the dark cold hallway. Mama's long, pale legs, hidden away in her favorite black tights, slowly strutted across the wooden floor. With every step she took towards me, I could see the pain hidden in her face. She sat down next to me on my brand new white comforters that smelt of cinnamon.

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