Chapter Five ≈ Sacrifice... ≈

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I was lost in my consequences, trying to retrace how it all happened. My breathing grew heavy as my head felt like weights.

I felt strong hands shove my body to the ground, causing me to lose my balance as I crashed onto the floor, the gun lost from my grip. It lay only a few inches from me. I tried crawling over to it but the man kicked it out of my reach. He bent down on the floor so he could look me in the eye before grabbing my hair and yanking it back with all of his strength. I let out a scream from the sudden jolt, thinking my neck was about to snap.

"Where do you think you're going dear?" the man demanded.

"Kim Seok Jin! Don't you dare lay a finger on her!" I could see my father stumbling to get up as he tried to walk in our direction from the corner of my eyes. The last thing I saw was the raven hair as he walked over to my father and shoved him back down before my eyes blurred with tears.

"Pathetic," He murmured under his breath as he pushed my head towards the floor before he got up and walked over to my father who was now crawling on the floor, leaving a trail of his blood behind him.

"Didn't you tell me she was worthless, Soo-hyun? You told me Jisoo was your only child! You called me your friend and then you lied to me?" His voice teased in a mocking way, there was nothing there. No feeling, no hate, nor sadness. Just a cold sour tone, deadly enough to make you question what you did in your past life to hear it.

"Do I need to remind you who I am, my dear friend?" He questioned my father as he stood before him.

"It was a misunderstanding Jin... Please, forgive me..." I couldn't believe my father's pathetic words. Was he really apologizing to the man that was one gunshot away from ending his life? My mother never lied... she did fall in love with a coward....a pathetic coward...

"A misunderstanding? So now, you think playing with me is a misunderstanding?" Jin let out that same psychopathic laugh as before, walking by my father's body.

His laugh filled the room until it was replaced with my father's sudden scream. I watched in horror as Jin stomped on my father's leg, grinding his heel into my father's gunshot wound. I swear I could hear a crack of a bone.

In this intense silence, he let out a scream that came from his whole body. His eyes were wide with horror, his mouth rigid and open, his chalky face gaunt and immobile, his fists were clenched with blanched knuckles, nails digging deeply into the palms of his hand.

Jin placed his foot back to the side of him as he gave the man with fox eyes a small nod in my father's direction. I already knew what he was going to do before the man brought out his gun, holding it up to my father's head. Checkmate, I thought. 

 "Now can you understand how I feel inside? It's painful, isn't it?" He said in a dramatic tone while holding a hand up to his heart.

I stared at my father's almost lifeless body. His eyes met mine and I watched as the life was slowly being drained from him. His eyelids began to flutter shut. Nausea swirled unrestrained in my empty stomach. My head swam with half-formed regrets. My heart felt as if my blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat.

As I laid helplessly, I wasn't ready to witness another death before me. The heartache that was there when my sister and mother died was still like a lump of red hot coal placed in my chest, it glowed and burnt me at the same time. But it didn't cool quickly like coal in water, it throbbed and tortured me. There was never any medicine or cure that could help me with this unwanted pain....and I wasn't ready to have more.

"Wait! Stop! Please, I'll give you anything! Please don't kill him!"

"What's that dearie?" My words sparked his attention as he turned on the heels of his shoes and faced me.

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