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a/n: hehe hii sorry to leave the last chapter like that  >:) but we gonna pick up where we left off!! enjoy <3


y/n pov: i don't know what had gotten into me, but i really enjoyed teasing emily. once i could tell i had completely thrown her off her game, i felt accomplished. i pulled back and stood up, reaching my hand out for her to take. she took a second to continue processing the conversation we just had before looking up at me. "come on," i said in a soft tone, "lets go." and she grabbed my hand standing up. we walked back to the fbi building hand in hand, not saying anything to one another for a few minutes. she was finally the one to speak up, "so... do you have any plans this weekend?" i could tell her intentions behind that question and debated a second if i should make up something up, or answer truthfully. "nothing in particular," i answered back, turning my head to face her. she smiled a bit before turning her head as well and answering, "i was hoping you wouldn't."

emily pov: i was completely stunned at the fact y/n could say those things to me and seconds later act like nothing had happened, despite the conversation being filled with heavy flirting. she definitely knew exactly what she was doing, and despite my internal protests, i couldn't help but play along. i was thankful when she said she didn't have anything going on this weekend, because even though i had absolutely no plan in mind, i wanted to spend time with her. "and why's that," she asked me with a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 

damn, i thought. she really knows how to play this whole innocent act very well. "i was hoping we could do something," i replied back. to this she gave me a full smile, and said "i'll have to think about it," giving me a wink. i gave her an amused look as we were walking into the parking lot. she giggled and when we reached my car, she stopped to face me, interlocking our free hands together, leaning her body forward closer to me. 

her figure stood a few inches shorter than me and our faces were no more than 3 inches apart. "so, i'll see you tomorrow?" i asked my voice nearly getting caught in my throat when i looked down at her. through her long, thick eyelashes she looked up at me and in that moment it took everything in me to not lean in for a kiss. she leaned in a bit closer, our lips only an inch apart, "i'll see ya tomorrow, prentiss. text me," she said with a smile before winking and walking to her car.

y/n pov: i could tell emily wanted to kiss me and it was taking everything in her to hold herself back. i got into the drivers side of my car and started the engine, making my way back to my apartment. on the drive home all i could think was, what the HELL was that?  i had turned on some music but couldn't focus on anything other than emily, and what type of plans she had in mind for tomorrow. 

i pulled into my parking space before collecting my belongings and heading up the stairs. i unlocked the front door and made my way inside, closing it with my foot and locking the deadbolt. after i had set my stuff down, i figured i should make myself some dinner, seeing as i hadn't had anything to eat since the hotel breakfast this morning. i looked in the fridge to see what i had, but because it had been nearly two weeks since i was last here, there wasn't much. i decided on ordering in and called my favorite chinese restaurant. 

in the mean time while i was waiting for my dinner to be delivered, i decided to unpack my bag, getting it ready for monday incase we were to head out on another case. after i had sorted through the contents, i started a load of laundry and repacked the duffle with clean clothes. not long after i had finished, the doorbell rang and i payed the delivery man, giving a larger than normal tip. i brought my food into the living room and turned on a show while i ate; to try and distract myself from my thoughts, knowing that if i continued to focus on her, i would end up overthinking and cause myself to spiral into a possible panic attack. after i finished eating, it was around midnight so i decided to get ready for bed. 

i pulled some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt out of my dresser before heading into the bathroom to take a shower. as i was about to start undressing, my phone pinged. i checked it and it was a text from emily.

emily: hey! sorry for messaging so late but i knew you would still be awake. plan on being ready by 10 tomorrow morning, i'll be there to pick you up (:

i smiled at the message on the screen before responding 

y/n: yes ma'am! see you then!!

i clicked the off button, locking the screen and setting my phone down. i took a shower and dried myself off before getting dressed and brushing my teeth. after i was done in the bathroom i clicked the lights off and headed into my bedroom to try and get some sleep. i closed the door and crawled into bed, getting comfortable under the warm blankets. just as i was drifting off to sleep i heard a knock at my door, causing me to become alert.

emily pov: i could not stop thinking about the fact that i was so close to kissing y/n. as she left my side in the parking lot, i had to stop myself from pulling her back into me. after she was out of sight, i got in my car and drove back to my apartment building anticipating the next day's adventure. as soon as i got back home, i made myself some dinner and decided to put on a movie to watch while i cuddled up with sergio. half way through the film, i decided to text y/n and let her know the plans. brunch seemed like a good idea to me so i told her to be ready at 10. 

i tried to keep my focus on the movie but i felt like it was near impossible with the idea that i was going to see y/n in less than 12 hours. i know that sounded stupid seeing as i had been with her day in and day out for the past fourteen or so days, but that was work related. of course i still enjoyed it but i wanted to get to know her more outside of a professional setting. i wanted to be able to stare without fear of being caught by by my coworkers, i wanted to learn more about her thoughts outside of work, and i wanted to kiss her. more than anything that's what i wanted to do. 

it was almost 1am and somehow i had managed to get myself ready and in bed with these thoughts clouding my brain. i tossed and turned for what felt like hours, but when i looked at the clock, only twenty minutes had passed. i knew it was late but i decided to text garcia to see if she was still awake.

emily: hey garcia, i know its late but if you're up, i have a favor to ask.

garcia: hey sweets, what can i do for ya?

i smiled at her response and debated if i should even be asking her the question i had in mind...

emily: in the absolute least stalker-ish way possible, could you get me y/n's address?

a few minutes had passed and i suddenly realized how weird of a question that was so i messaged her again trying to justify my asking.

emily: we are going to brunch tomorrow and i'm picking her up

she responded almost immediately.

garica: oh emily my dear, you could not be subtle about this girl even if you tried.. here's what you are looking for!

attached was the coordinates to her apartment building and i realized she was only 15 minutes away from me. i thanked garcia for her help and ignored the comment she had made about my lack of subtleness. i clicked my phone closed after setting an alarm and laid there for several more minutes with no hope of falling asleep.

i could not get this girl out of my head and before i realized what i was even doing, i was standing outside of her apartment door, knocking on the dark wood. it was silent for a second and the sound of my knuckles on the walnut echoed in the hallway. i then heard shuffling behind the closed door before the lock clicked and the wood was swung open. "emily?" y/n questioned in a tired voice, looking at me with slight confusion and a smirk across her face.


a/n: i just KNOW you all love these cliffhangers, don't you!!! 

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