Stay Strong

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Please stay strong, remember that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has put you onto this path for a reason, I know it's hurting you and you sleep every night wondering when the pain will stop, but please remind yourself that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is the most merciful, you will always be rewarded for the pain you are enduring. Your days may be dark right now and you may feel like there is no hope for you, but Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will always make a way out for you, He will always be with you. Turn to Him when you are feeling weak, speak to Him and cry to Him. There is no shame in crying to your lord and asking Him for guidance and help. He will never turn you away, stay strong for the sake of Allah and you will always find strength one way or another even on the days it seems impossible for you to get through the day, you'll always get through it because you have Allah.

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