Dear Allah

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I am back again, I feel overwhelmed with saddens today and it really hurts a lot but I know that I've got to trust in You because if I don't, then I'll end up leading myself astray from You. The pain is unbearable right now and I don't know what You have planned for me, but I know I have to trust in whatever you have written for me. You have hot me through the worst possible times of my life so I know you will get me through this too. I'm having a hard time understanding why this is happening and the reasoning behind it but I know that it will get better soon. I hope I'm able to pray to You regularly and have conversations with You about my life and everything that's hurting me. I pray I'm able to always turn to You in time of need, I hope I'm always thankful and grateful for what You have provided me with. I know I don't say this often but Ya Allah, without You I am truly nothing.

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