You Are Beautiful

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Let me tell you something, you could be the world's most beautiful women ever, you could be oozing with potential, confidence and pure love. But remember this, a man who had wandering eyes will ever be satisfied and that is not your fault, you have nothing to be ashamed of, you are beautiful, intelligent, and have a lot more to offer than he ever will. If a man decides to let his eyes wander and take his eyes off a diamond to search for some stones, remind yourself that he isn't a man that is worthy of you. You deserve better than a man that is worthy of you. You deserve better than a man who cannot keep his promises and stay loyal to you, you are not at fault for the mistakes and underlying issues he has, if he has commitment issues then that's between him and his ego, if he feels the need to look at other women and disrespect your relationship with him, then it's all down to him, you're beautiful and you are absolutely gorgeous in every way possible, do not ever for a second think you are not good enough for him, you're ten times the man he is and that's what scares him, he's weak and you're strong.

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