It Does Not Matter

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It doesn't matter if you haven't read your Salah in a long time, start reading now. It's better late than never, it doesn't matter if you haven't picked up the Quran in a while, Allah is still welcoming you back to Islam. You can still pick it up and read, it doesn't matter if you're not read a du'aa, you can still read it today. Allah is the most forgiving and the most merciful, He will always welcome you back no matter how much you have sinned. It doesn't matter what your past is like, it doesn't matter if you haven't recited or prayed I'm a long time, every day is a new opportunity and most importantly, a new chance to wipe your slate clean and start again. Allah will always forgive you as long as you repent with a sincere heart. It is never too late to start praying again.

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