If You're Down With Me...

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***(Harper Woods in MM)

"Gorgeous?" Dre called, coming into the bathroom where I was wrapped up in an oversized terry cloth towel brushing my teeth.

"Hey lover," I greeted as he kissed my neck. "What's up?"

"Doctor's office called and wanted to confirm your appointment for this afternoon at two." He sat down on the side of the tub.

"Oh yeah?"

"What's it for?" He wanted to know.

I hesitated before bringing up the subject. "It's just a check-up. I'm getting some tests run. With everything that happened, I can't be too safe."

He ran a hand across his face. "You want me to go with you?"

I would've said yes if I hadn't made plans to meet Adam at his shop afterwards. "Uh...no baby that's okay. Besides I'm having lunch with Caryn and afterward she's going to go with me to pick up a few things from my apartment."

"Why don't you just tell me what you need and I'll pick it up for you on my way home." He suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll call you. I'm about to head over to Nina's to meet with the health inspector." He kissed my cheek.

I nodded. "Alright, thanks baby."

After taking the standard pregnancy test and having my annual done, I redressed to have the nurse take some blood samples.

"We have to send these samples off to the lab and we'll call you when the results come in, but meanwhile Dr. Ross would like to come in and have a few words with you."

"Okay," I agreed, wondering what the doctor wanted to talk about. I waited ten minutes before the tall, slender brunette entered with my files attached to a clipboard.

"What's this about?" I said, briskly, as she took a seat behind a desk.

"Well, getting right to the point," she chuckled. "I wanted to talk to you about your prenatal care."

I had to dig deep because something wasn't making sense. "Don't you have to be pregnant to need prenatal care?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well I think maybe you made a mistake. I'm on birth control." I told her as if she were crazy.

"Yes, I see in your file that you're on Depo-Provera; and although it is one of our most fool-proof forms of birth control, it isn't one-hundred percent active."

My breathing became labored as my heart sped up. "So you're saying that I'm..." I trailed off.

"Yes, you're pregnant and if you have time, we can do an ultrasound and find out just how far along you are."

Six weeks pregnant! The thought was still rolling around in my head. I just couldn't get my mind to wrap around it. Were Dre and I even ready to be parents? Hell, we'd only been engaged for a week.

Running late meeting my brother, I quickly composed myself and made the short trip to the auto shop. He went over his ideas for the car as well as a few quotes before I left. I managed to dodge his attempts to find out who I was spending so much money on and why nobody had been able to reach me last week when I hadn't shown up for Sunday dinner. I hadn't told my family that Andre existed let alone that we were engaged and now expecting a baby.

After meeting the girls for lunch, I returned to Dre's, still wondering how to break the news to him. I knew that he would be home soon since he'd called me while he was en route to my apartment. I'd contemplated telling the girls while we were out but quickly decided against it, wanting Andre to be the first one that I told.

Trying to relax, I slipped out of my denim dress and into a pair of boxers and a tank, before putting on some ol' skool Al Green and relaxing in the basement.

The next thing I remember is being woken to a soft kiss at the heel of my foot. I moaned in pleasure as the scent of Issey Miyake filled my senses. He traveled his kisses up my calf and I trembled in delight.

"Andre please..." I was close to begging as he trailed his lips up to my belly, pushing my shirt out of his way and twirling his tongue inside my button.

"Andre please what?" He asked, massaging my nipples. "I'm sorry baby, is this making you horny?" He abruptly stopped his sexual assault against my body.

Frustrated, I pushed him away. "Ugh, you're such a jackass."

He laughed as he flopped down beside me and pulled me into his lap.

"How did your appointment go?" He stared down at me anticipating my answer.

I tensed and he held me tighter. "Um, actually they have to send my blood off to a lab and they'll call me when they get the results."

"Oh yeah?" He pulled a curl away from my eyes. "So what aren't you telling me?"

I inwardly smiled at his intuitiveness. "I...um...I'm pregnant." I said softly.

He lifted his brow. "You're what?"

"I'm pregnant," I spoke a little louder.

Surprise flashed in his eyes before he glanced back and forth between my face and my stomach a few times. "You're pregnant?"

I nodded. "It seems that I am the one out of a hundred people that get pregnant on Depo."

He stared at me for a moment before staring off into space. The look in his eyes was void of emotion. Not knowing what to say or do, I rose to stand.

He looked up at me and sighed before scratching his temple. "How far along are you?"

It was then that I realized what his concern was. He feared that I was having Germaine's child. "I'm six weeks pregnant," I told him hoping to unburden his heart.

"So it's mine?"

"Yes," I nodded.

He breathed an audible sigh of relief and paused before speaking. "What would you say if I asked to marry me tomorrow?"

"You wanna elope?"

"If you're down with me," He grabbed my hand and pulled me to stand in front of him. "Are you?"

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