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*Casey St. James in the MM

***Andre's POV***

"Have you spoken with Harper, yet?" Brooklyn asked me, as I unloaded the kids' luggage from my truck and took it inside my house.

I sighed in exhaustion, not caring to speak on the situation. It had only been a couple of days since I'd last talked to Harper and she had some nigga in her house but I had been avoiding speaking on the subject since the day she left.

"Yea, we talked." I answered, briskly.

" everything's okay?" She rocked Andre Jr. against her shoulder, gently patting his back.

"No," I quickly peeked in on Andrea, where she sat in my living room, watching The Princess and the Frog, before making my way back outside. Removing the remaining suitcases from the trunk, I slammed it closed.

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"She asked if the kids were mine and I told her that they were." I gave her the abbreviated version.

"Why would you not tell her the whole truth?" She frowned, trailing behind as I set down the bags in the foyer.

"Cuz' she didn't care to listen and it pissed me off." I spoke harshly, in a lowered tone. "After everything that we've been through, I have never given her a reason to doubt me."

"You gave her every reason to doubt you when you weren't honest with her from the very beginning and I admit, part of that is my fault, but Andre life is too short for this. You need to talk to her and tell her the truth." 

I took heed to her words, but chose not to respond, as I glanced at my watch. "C'mon, it's getting late, and I still need to grab a few things from the store before we get settled in."

***Harper's POV***

"Hey beautiful," Casey greeted me, as I exited the elevator that led me into my living room. "You're home early."

It was late Monday afternoon and his first day on the job, but based on the tarp that covered my furniture and all the tools that littered my floor, he'd wasted no time getting straight to work.

Managing a small smile, I looked up him as he balanced himself on the top of the eight foot stepladder. "Yea, I umm...I took a half a day; I wasn't feeling too well."

Truth was, after talking to Cori on Friday, I took the weekend to ponder over my marriage and what it was that I really wanted. Deciding to at least give Andre the benefit of the doubt, I left work early and went home to finally talk to my husband. 

As I pulled onto the street of our old home, I spotted Dre walking down the driveway towards his Escalade. I placed my hand on the horn and was about to tap it to get his attention, but quickly had a change of heart when I realized he wasn't alone.

"You've got to be fuckin' kiddin' me," I mumbled aloud. Slowing down, I pulled behind a parked car along the sidewalk so I wasn't visible to him, while silently wondering how long his other family had been in town. Surprisingly, I managed to keep my emotions in check as I watched him help his daughter into the backseat, while the baby mama buckled the infant into his car seat. 

One of the things that attracted me to Andre when I first met him was that he was such a gentleman, not just with me but with any lady who happened to be in his presence. Once upon a time it had even been a turn-on, but when I watched him round the vehicle to open the passenger side door for her, I grit my teeth so hard, I'm shocked they didn't turn to dust. 

I could feel anger building up within me at the sight of them together. He had brought her with him to the home that we once shared. Was I overreacting or was I well within my rights to feel disrespected? Was he moving them into our home or were they just visiting? Was he going to allow her to sleep on my side of the bed? With each unanswered question that floated through my mind, my grip on the steering wheel grew tighter and tighter.

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