I Got You...

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A week after the honeymoon, we still hadn't told my parents. They'd been blowing up my phone for the last few weeks. I'd put it off for so long that when I finally decided to tell them it was going to be even more dreadful. I'd called them once when I knew they were in church and left a voicemail telling them that I was okay but other than that they were still clueless.

The only one who heard from me on a regular basis was Adam but even he didn't know anything about Andre. He simply kept me informed on the progress of the car. Although he was inquisitive as hell, I had become an expert early on when it came to keeping my family out of my business. Andre had hired movers to transfer my things to storage and my apartment was officially on the market.

Other than a few stomach cramps and bouts of morning sickness, life as a married woman had been going exceptionally well. With a little pushing from Dre I'd taken a leave from work so the majority of my days were spent with him either at his restaurant, the club or at home. Breakfast in bed almost everyday, multiple orgasms every night, shopping sprees and lunch with my girls in between and to top it off the baby and I were healthy as can be.

"Caryn, can you pass me the confectioners sugar?" I asked, motioning to the box beside the stove. It was Andre's birthday and even though he insisted on not celebrating, I'd convinced him on having an intimate dinner party and of course Caryn offered to help me cater the small get-together.

"Here," she passed the box to me. "So is the car ready?" She asked in a lowered voice, keeping her eyes on the stove. She was waiting on her twice-baked potatoes in the oven to go with her grilled New York strips. I'd already finished the chicken piccata and rice pilaf. We had debated for awhile this morning before settling on lobster tails and shrimp cocktail as appetizers.

"Yeah, Adam called me this morning and told me. I didn't want Dre to suspect anything so I asked Anthony to pick it up for me." I informed her as I mixed the frosting for one of the two cakes that I'd made, before spreading it across the three-layered dessert.

Andre had been in the back getting showered and dressed for the past hour and everyone was due to arrive at any minute. Other than our closest friends, he'd only invited a few other people that he knew.

Caryn had helped me decorate earlier that morning while Dre had made a quick trip to the club for a last minute emergency.

"Dre, baby are you ready?" I hollered towards the back of the house. "It's almost that time." As if to drive my point home, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Caryn said, heading towards the front door, just as Dre came through the kitchen entrance. "Watch those potatoes."

"Mmm-mm-mm," I peered over at him in his loose-fitting jeans and Timbs. The customized fourteen-carat diamond rose gold chain that I presented him with this morning hung from his neck.

He grinned as he walked over. "You betta keep your eyes on that food before you start something that you can't finish."

"Happy birthday," I told him licking the last of the chocolate mousse frosting from the plastic spatula, seductively.

"It damn sure is," I chuckled as he lifted me by my waist and sat me on the counter beside the cake.

As his lips started in on my neck, I started humming the melody to R. Kelly's 'Sex in the Kitchen'.

"If that's what you want," He started to loosen the belt at my waist. Before I could give in the the sensations that he was throwing at me, I remembered the guests in the next room.

"Uh-uh Dre, you know when you get started I don't want you to stop." I pushed him away and hopped off the counter, as he took the spatula away from me and started licking the hell out of it making me hornier by the second. I glared at him just as Caryn came back into the kitchen followed by Selena and Cori who were loaded down with junk food and liquor.

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