Chapter Three

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I’m sitting here on the edge of the car waiting until they let me see Ellie, but sadly they said they want to take the baby to the hospital and I don’t agree with that, I want to see her now! I decide to walk up to them and tell him what I think! “Hey! I am the sister of the baby! I demand to see her! I am not gonna let you just take her to the hospital and not let the freaking sibling see her!!!”

 “Woah there! Settle down, we are just taking her to the hospital to check her health, if its good we can let her go home, if its not then she needs help because she was born a little too early, I highly doubt that she is perfectly healthy.” after that I stay silent and just walk away, I didn’t really know what to say so I had to of walked away or I would lose that battle.

    After this entire day, I just feel sad, depressed, mad, loving, and so many emotions it’s just tiring so after we get to the hospital they take Ellie into the exam room for a while and I decide to take a nap because they said it might be a while, But then again I don’t wanna dream about what happened today or what will happen in the future, I mean what if this happens again! So I just sit there waiting for the news and after 4 hours waiting the doctor finally comes out.

“We are so sorry to say this but the baby was born too early and was hurt very badly during the attack, no wounds just damages to the ears and hands, it seems that while your mother was being.. well.. you know, the man punched her stomach and it hurt the baby we will have to do surgery right away or the baby will not survive, can we?”

“Yes!” Grandpa says “Do whatever you need to do to help it survive!”

“Wait! Will she be okay?!”I say in a rude but worried way. “Is there a big chance she will even survive the surgery!!?”

“Yes there is a 50% chance she will survive the surgery but we need to get started now, the surgery will probably last 9 to 10 hours.”

“Ok, we will be here waiting, thank you Doctor.”

    I sit here, crying and crying and I can’t stop myself, the only piece I have left of them could die with them, my only family left, will be all gone. I don’t know what to do but think and think of everything i’ve ever done with my parents, how trustworthy they are of me, how kind and thoughtful and they are the most wonderful people I have ever met. What annoys me the most is that I can’t do anything about it, I can’t save my sister, I couldn’t have saved my parents. I can’t do anything about everything that matters to me in my life! I ask Grandpa if I can go to the gas station down the street and buy some food.

I reach the gas station and walk in, I grab a huge pack of chocolate donuts and a soda, Pepsi is the best. As I am checking out and waiting for this retard to check me out which is taking forever. I see a girl that looks like my age, maybe a little older drinking, and I just want to walk up to her and slap it out of her hand and say that she is the most stupid person ever for drinking at a young age or even drinking at all!

For a moment I don’t know what I’m doing I just see myself walking outside before he gave me my change and the next thing I know i’m right next to her and to be honest i’m a little scared.Without having an opinion on what i’m saying I blurt out…

“ you know…stop drinking that?”

“Umm do I know you, you little freak!”

She isn’t very nice but since I started the conversation I might as well keep it going.

“Well you don’t know me, I’m kinda new here, I used to live in the city until… well.. nevermind.”

“And you are talking to me because??”

“I am talking to you because my Grandma died from drinking too much a while back, and I don’t want you to die, even though I don’t know you,”

“Well...Thanks I guess, my name is Anna, yours?”

“My name is Isabelle, I’m 13 and i’m guessing your 14, ‘cause the way you look,”

“Haha yeah, I’m 13, nice to meet you,”

“Ha yeah, sorry about popping up on you so sudden,”

“Its fine, i’m used to it, its not a very safe place around here, but everybody seems very friendly, but not at the same time”

“Yeah it was, hey listen I told my Grandpa i’d be back to the hospital by 10 and its 10:30, wanna meet at the hospital tomorrow around 4?”

“Can’t I don’t really like to go there anymore, how about here at 4?”

“ ok well bye now see you then!” I say as I slowly walk away. I look back to see her wave and then turn and drop the bottle in the trash.

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