Chapter Ten

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Ever since we got back to the hospital, Ellie won’t stop crying  and Nana is giving me dirty looks. I am her Granddaughter, she shouldn't hold grudges. She is the one who was being ridiculous not me. Ellie has to have some scans and they are saying that they think the cancer is going away. Anna is pacing back and forth in front of me and it is kinda driving me nutz.

    “Anna, could you please stop pacing. You are making me nervous. I am just super stressed and that is not helping.Do you want to go get some breakfast in the cafeteria?”

    “Sure, I just realized that I am starving.”

    As we are walking down the hallway I can’t wait any longer, I feel so guilty.

    “I am so sorry for yelling at you. I was losing my mind and I think I still am. It is just super hard… but I guess you would understand…”

    “Oh it is fine. I know what you were going through and you needed to let it out. You will feel better now that you have.”

    “Can I ask you something?”


    “Are you still drinking Anna?”

    Anna freezes and looks like she is about to burst into tears. She looks so afraid and worried.

    “Umm… Izzy, I stopped but last night… when you left, I was afraid you wouldn’t come back and I kinda bought two beers. I am sorry but I couldn’t take it, you can lock me up in a room for a month or whatever you have to do. Please don’t be mad.”

    This made me furious and I wanted to smack her right across the face and yell at her until I can’t speak anymore but I knew that if I did that it wouldn’t solve any problems.

    “Anna, You need to stop this.  I have no idea what I am going to do but I will help you through this, no one helped my uncle and look where that ended up.”

    Just saying “Uncle” made me mad but I can’t have an outbreak right now.

    We get to the cafeteria and that is when I see a lady sitting across the room from me and I notice that the whole time I am here, she keeps looking at me then coughing. When Anna and I get our food, I set it down and walk over to the lady. I told Anna to stay there and I will yell if I need her help.

    “Uh excuse me miss, I can’t help but notice you looking at me, do I know you?”

    “Isabelle? Is it you?” The lady asks.

That is when she turns her face and I recognize her immediately. The lady is mama. That is when dad walks out of the bathroom and sits down next to mama. I feel like I am going to throw up and cry and scream all at the same time.

“Mama, is it really you? Are you real or am I hallucinating again.” I whisper.

“Honey, I don’t know what is going on right now, but I am going to use every second of it to my advantage. Now where is my new baby girl?”

“Ellie? Oh, she is in surgery! She is gorgeous mama and she looks so much like you!”

“Hello, am I invisible? I just came back from the dead… I think, and I don’t even get a hi? I can’t believe I am staring at my baby girl again! I thought that I would never get to have this experience again.”

That is when I started to cry and I jumped into my dads arms.

“I have missed you so much. I am so glad your not mad at me.”

“Oh honey, those last words I was saying was I love you not to yell at you.”

“Good, I was so mad at myself, but I can’t do anything to myself because I have Ellie to raise. But now I have no reason to. Everything is back to normal except for Ellie having cancer but they said that is going away fast.”

“Honey I don’t mean to burst your bubble but it will be kinda hard to explain that I died but here I am living. Don’t you think?”

“Oh, yeah but… we can move again and no one has to know.”

“Honey, I am afraid it is not that easy. Our ID cards would say-”

“Izzy, are you okay? Who are you talking to? You have been over here for a long time.”Anna asks.

“What do you mean? I am more than fine, my mama and dad are-”

“Babe, I don’t think she can see us.” Dad says.

“What are you talking about? I can see you just fine, am I not supposed to see you? Izzy, who are these people?”

“Anna, meet my… parents. I don’t know what is going on but I am willing to accept it because it could end any time. Mama, dad, this is Anna.”

“Oh we know, you catch up on a few things in heaven. Anna we are happy to have you, you know, be friends with our little girl. We can tell that you guys will be close. Also, “Izzy”, we have found out that you weren't being the nicest person you can be to her and your family.” Mama explains.

“Oh she is fine, don’t be too hard on her, you know she just lost her parents until they came back from the dead!” Anna jokes.

“So guys, you did go to heaven. Was it amazing? Did you meet God?” I ask.

“Lets save that for another time, I want to go meet my baby girl and see my parents.” Mama exclaims.

When we get into Ellies room, she is out of her surgery and Ellie’s stomach was filled with tubes. The minute mama and dad laid their eyes on her, they freaked.

“Oh my word, she is gorgeous. Christie(mamas name), she looks just like you! She even has your eyes.” Dad says, beginning to tear up.

Mama is tearing up to and all she can manage to do is brush Ellies face with her fingerprints.

“I never thought I would get the chance to do this.” Mama says.

Then both of them hug me and say that they love me and Ellie so much. After that we leave Ellies room so she can sleep and we start towards the rest of the family. The whole family has been here since I left and they are getting ready for mama and dads “funeral” wait till they hear that they don’t need to do it anymore.

“Nana, Gramps! Look!’

Just as I turn around, Anna gasps and I hear Ellie scream the horrible scream that she does. My parents are gone.

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