Chapter 3

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Bad was in a completely white space. He didn't know where he was. Looking around, the only thing he could see was white. He couldn't hear anything either. Just white.

'Maybe I'm in heaven?' He thought.

No, it couldn't be. He doesn't remember dying after all. So where was he? He thought for a moment. An idea popped into his mind. He pinched himself.


A dream. This was a dream! Bad was relieved. If he had died all of his fans would be upset, and the last thing he wanted was to make his fans upset.

When he pinched his arm he also noticed something. He wasn't wearing the same clothes. The clothes seemed familiar to him but he just couldn't put a finger on it.

Ah, his minecraft skin.

'That must be why it was familiar.' He thought. Then he got another idea. If this was a dream, and he realized that he was in a dream...doesn't that mean he could do whatever he wants?

"Let's see...hmm..."

He tried to make gluten free muffins out of thin air.

Surprisingly enough, nothing happened. Bad was confused now. He had heard from others that when you realize that you're dreaming you could control it, so why couldn't he?

I mean this HAD to be a dream. He couldn't be trapped in some white room in the middle of nowhere...right?

He decided the most logical thing would be to look around, so he did. He kept walking towards one direction but he couldn't see an end. It was like an endless minecraft world for crying out loud!

While he was walking he heard a noise from behind him and immediately turned around.

A mirror.

'Huh. That definitely wasn't there before." Bad thought. He hesitantly moved closer to the mirror. Finally he was close enough to see his own reflection clearly.

His eyes widened. He wasn't just wearing his minecraft skin's clothes.

He WAS his minecraft skin.

"Oh my goodness...I look like a demon!" Bad said. He stepped a little closer to the mirror. What a weird dream he was having...then he did possibly one of the biggest mistakes in his life.

He put his hand on the mirror.

His reflection dissapeared. Bad flinched and took a step back. After all that he still tried to keep a positive attitude.

"What the muffin? I'm like a vampire!" He said as he started to giggle.

His giggling stopped when he heard something. It was like a bunch of whispers. The whispers could be heard from each direction. Bad turned around to look for the owner of the voice.

He unfortunately didn't realize another man appearing on the other side of the mirror.

When he turned around once again he let out a little scream, he wasnt expecting to see anyone else in his dream. He took another step back.

"W-who're you?"

The man chuckled at that.

Now that Bad had started to examine the man he noticed that he sort of looked like his minecraft skin as well! Although the colors seemed to be inverted...

"Ah...Badboyhalo. It's time for us to finally meet huh?"

"Answer me!"

The man sighed. He seemed tired, maybe almost as tired as Bad was.

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