Chapter 6

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Bad had been getting a lot of dms lately. Apparently the 'nightmare team' would be recording another manhunt and they had invited Bad to join.

Now, Bad had participated in a few of Dream's manhunts in his reality. In his opinion, he did a pretty good job at it! He said yes, which surprised a few people. Turns out Good wasn't the type of person who liked to collab with other youtubers...

Bad was now in teamspeak, talking to Jef. He was trying to comfort him, saying things like "you'll do great!" Bad didn't get why Jef was so nervous, all he had to do was do what he usually did except try his best to not say things like 'muffin' or 'language' An idea popped into his mind.

He should check out Good's videos!

That way he can find out how Good acts in his videos, maybe he could even watch some collabs.

Scrolling through his channel, he saw that most of the collabs were with Jef. That didn't surprise Bad since Good and Jef were best friends...wait, were they? He just kind of assumed that they were. He clicked one of the videos with Jef.

Bad couldn't believe the amount of swearing that video had, it must've taken forever to edit. Not only that, Good was so mean to Jef.

'No wonder he was surprised when I was nice to him' Bad thought.

He probably shouldn't have but he started reading the comments.


Most of them were complaining about Good. About how he was a terrible person, about the way he acted, about his interactions with others...of course there were some people trying to defend him, saying that it was just a persona or whatever.

Bad went to another video.

This one was an MCC video. Unlike Bad, Good apparantly joined these. He was in a team with 3 other people. Bad didn't really know anyone there so he didn't think much of it. He didn't have time to watch the whole stream, but he watched as much as he could.

For the first couple of minutes, Good was surprisingly awkward, he stuttered quite a bit and didn't say anything unless he had to. That changed when the games began. Every time someone failed, Good would yell at them and tell them that they sucked. Everybody on the team appeared to be scared of him.

'Do I really need to act like that?'

Bad hated the thought. He managed to find a few things that might help him, but they weren't pleasant things. He figured that Good was usually awkward around people at first, he wasn't really a social person. But the second someone made him mad, he would explode. The amount of swears and insults that were thrown around was a lot. He also found out that Good was really good at pvp.

Wait. Terrible with social skills and really good at pvp?

Oh my goodness.

Was he like the Techno of this reality?

If that was the case, he'd be doomed. He was supposed to hunt 'Nightmare' down before he killed the dragon. If he was the Techno of this reality then...

People would have expectations...right?

Bad sighed. He was not even close to Good's level when it came to pvp. They probably wanted him to join because he had good pvp skills. But he doesn't, Good does.

Wait- what was Techno even like in this reality? He hadn't seen anyone mention him or anything...maybe since everything's the opposite Techno was really bad at pvp and never got the recognition he deserved because of it.

He couldnt be bothered to think about it.

They would record the manhunt tomorrow so there was a few things he needed to do. First of all, he adjusted his voice to sound more like Good's. They weren't really different, Good just used a deeper tone. Since Bad had a really good vocal range he got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Second of all, swearing. He didn't want to, but he'd probably be forced to. Imagine if Tommy just stopped swearing out of nowhere, everyone would be suspicious!

He decided that he'd swear if he absolutely needed to.

And lastly, he needed to remove 'muffin' and 'language' from his vocabulary. He thought about it for a little while. He could pull this off...right?

Maybe he should practice some pvp...

But there's no point really-

He would never be in the same level as Good, especially not in one day.

It's like having an assignment that's due 5 minutes, giving up would be the more logical answer. Trying to do it when there's only 5 minutes left would only cause stress. So he decided to do the logical thing...

He stayed up until 3am, practicing.

When he finally dragged himself to his bed, he was exhausted. His mind was telling him that he wasn't good enough yet, that he needed to practice more. But right now, he needed to ignore it. He needed sleep.


When Bad woke up, he was even more exhausted. They would start recording in about an hour or so, which meant that Bad had an hour to do his morning routine and eat breakfast.

Overall, the recording went fine. Bad managed to kill 'Nightmare' just before he killed the dragon. He had to stop himself from saying 'language' a bunch of times and he had to swear once or twice. They thanked him for joining and then left.

Bad sighed.

Pretending to be someone else was really hard, especially if that someone is you from a different reality.

Just as he was about to relax, he saw that he had a bunch of messages from Jef.  This reality was supposed to be the opposite of Bad's, yet Jef always spammed Bad with messages...just like Skeppy.

Bad assumed that he wanted to record a video or just wanted to talk. He quickly got on teamspeak and unmuted his mic.

" Good?" He said nervously.

"What is it?"

"Do you wanna meet up?"

Word Count: 1012

First of aLL 800+ READS POG

Second of all I have an idea of how I want to continue this book but I'm not too sure about it. Of course I won't tell you guys what it is but the thing is

If I continue with that idea I would have to add another trigger warning

So um basically

A. I think of another idea

B. I write it but without details

C. I write it with details

Comment on the one you want!

Have a good day/night^^

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