Chapter 9

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Skeppy had messed up.

He couldn't even open Twitter without getting spammed or hated on, which was exhausting. Not only that, Good was basically blackmailing him so that they could meet up.

What had he gotten himself into?

He missed him, he missed Bad. Just talking to Bad seemed like a distant memory at this point. He wanted to meet up with him, not Good. He wanted to hug him and tell him that everything would be alright, he wanted to apologize...

But he wouldn't be able to.

Well, that was his fault. If he had acted kinder towards Bad, this wouldn't have happened.

Skeppy looked at the mirror. He was wearing his signature blue hoodie and some jeans, suddenly he felt a wave of discomfort.

"Do I look okay?"

He usually wouldn't feel insecure about things, let alone his appearance. But he couldn't help it. Something felt off, everything felt off.

Pushing away his feeling of discomfort, he headed outside. Who knows what kind of cruel things Good would do if he made him wait...

Heading there was probably gonna be the most peaceful part of Skeppy's day, considering how Good acted towards him that is. Skeppy sighed.

Today was gonna be a long day.

Skeppy had finally made it to the spot they were supposed to meet up at. He was a little late, but hopefully not enough to get Good mad. They were supposed to meet up at some park, but Good was nowhere to be found.

'Maybe he lied about meeting up with me and this is some kind of tro-'


Skeppy shrieked, causing a few people to look at them. When he turned around, he saw him...He saw Good.

Good had an irritated look on his face, probably because of him making people stare. Other than that, he looked tired. He was also wearing an oversized white hoodie and black pants.

"Are you gonna stop checking me out or..?"

"Wh-I wasn't checking you out!" Skeppy says, obviously a little flustered.

"Mhm, sure."

"I'm serious!"

"Whatever...are we just gonna stand around here or actually go somewhere?"

With that, they started heading somewhere. Skeppy had no idea where they were going, he wasn't even familiar with this part of the city. Minutes passed without either of them talking, which annoyed Skeppy.

"So...where are we going?"

Good didn't reply.

"Why did you want to meet up with me?"

Once again, no reply.

"Good!" Skeppy yelled, clearly irritated that he wasn't responding. Skeppy grabbed Good's wrist.

"Stop ignoring me!"

Good flinched, he looked taken aback. Suddenly, he yanked his hand away.

"Don't touch me."

The way Good glared at him sent shivers down his spine. Without saying a thing, they kept on walking. It would be fair to say Good knew how to scare people. He didn't look scary, not in the slightest. He just knew how to use words against people, which was a scary trait to have.

They arrived at a small cafe.

Skeppy didn't know what he was expecting, but it was definitely not this. Why would Good blackmail him to come to a stupid cafe?! Suddenly, Skeppy smirked.

"Is this a date?"

Good seemed to hesitate for a second, he looked flustered. Almost immediately, his flustered expression turned into a glare.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

Now, it was Skeppy's turn to blush.  They had both sat down at that point. Skeppy looked down, covering his face with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Oh come's obvious." Good laughed.

Skeppy immediately understood what Good was referring to, he shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't like you!" Skeppy yelled, causing a few people to stare.

"Yeah," Good smirked. "You like Bad."

Word Count: 625

Oh my god I'm back

I have no idea what happened but no matter what I did I couldn't focus on writing this chapter and kept on delaying it so😀

It could've been longer but I couldn't bring myself to write anymore. The next chapters will hopefully be longer.

Have a good day/night^^

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