Chapter 17

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Bad was feeling better.

Of course he was, sleeping always helped.

Getting out of bed, he felt determined. This was the day, he was going to tell Jef no matter what!

Well, he'd need to have breakfast first, and maybe look at some fanart...but after that he was definitely going to tell him!

Heading towards the kitchen, Bad couldn't see Jef anywhere. After a quick look around, he realized that he was still asleep. Surely, he'd wake up in a few hours. In the meantime, Bad decided to make breakfast for both of them. He wasn't sure of what Jef liked, but he assumed some scrambled eggs would be fine.

After he was done setting up the table, he decided to check the time. It was almost 11 AM. Maybe Jef would sleep in today. To be fair, Bad did wake up really late the day before, and Jef let him. Would it be fair for him to go and wake him up? But if he didn't the eggs would get cold. Nobody likes cold eggs, right?


Bad turned around. Jef was standing at the entrance of the kitchen, staring at him. He looked quite tired, he had eyebags and really messy hair.

And he looked really, really cute.

"Is that for me or are you going to eat them both?" He said, looking at the plates. It was obvious he had just waken up from his voice.

"Oh—uh...that one's for you" Bad pointed.

" didn't have to make some for me." Jef smiled "Did you poison mine or something?"

"Wha—of course I didn't!"

"I'm just kidding." He giggled.

They both sat down.

Well, this is awkward.

Both of them had a lot they wanted to say, yet neither of them said anything out loud. They silently ate as their thoughts were left unspoken. The silence wasn't a comfortable one, it felt tense...and forced.

"Thanks," Jef said "you really didn't need to cook for me."

"It's alright."


Yeah, they weren't going anywhere with this conversation.

"So...are you down to stream today?"

"Can't we do it later? Besides, I kinda have to talk to you about...uh—something."

"Huh, why not now? The fans have been waiting for a while for us to stream together."

"Well, yeah but—y'know...I'm just not feeling like it today."

"Then I'm not listening to what you have to tell me!"


"You can tell me whatever you want after we stream. If I can't have what I want then neither can you."

"Isn't that a bit childish?"

"So what if it is?! I refuse to let you have your way that easily!"

Bad sighed.

"Fine...I'll stream with you."


Bad was putting on the hoodie that he thought was the most "stylish", while Jef was trying to deal with the mess that was his hair. Neither of them wanted to look bad on camera, especially not on their first stream together.

Starting the stream felt like a nightmare, Bad's hands were sweaty and his heart was pounding. He didn't really like to do facecam when it came to livestreams. He preferred people watching the game he was playing, instead of watching him.

Jef didn't look to well either, he looked kind of tense. Not in a bad way, more of a "this is my first time streaming face to face with my best friend" way. At least that's what Bad thought.

It took a few minutes for everyone to start swarming in. When they revealed they had met up and were next to each other right now, the chat went crazy. Not just the chat, but Twitter as well. Bad had to mute his phone because of the amount of notifications he was getting. After a little while of teasing, they finally showed their faces. People once again, went crazy. There were pictures of them all over Twitter. In a matter of minutes, they got "jefhalo" trending. Which, for some reason, Jef found really funny.

All in all, it was generally a really chill stream. There were a few moments that the chat found "sus" but neither of them really minded. It wasn't their first time getting shipped after all.

They streamed for a few hours and it took them approximately thirty minutes to end the stream, mostly because people didn't want it to end. But after a while, they finally managed to.

It was around evening now, they both decided it would be best for them to have a bite before discussing...things. Sure, Bad wanted to tell him earlier but he could wait a little bit more. What could go wrong?

"Gahh—" Jef said, stretching. "I'm so tired!"

"Jef, I need to—"

"I think I'm gonna go sleep"

"What?! But Jef—you promised to let me talk to you after the stream, remember?"

"Hmm, can't we talk tomorrow? I'm sleepy. "

"But I—"

"Goodnight!" Jef said, rushing towards his room.

"Jef! Wait—"

He was gone.

Bad sighed.

Was he avoiding him?


He tried to think positively for once, maybe Jef was actually tired and just wanted to rest. He had no reason to avoid him, right? He looked at his phone to check the time.

It wasn't even that late for crying out loud!

To be fair, if Jef was this exhausted, it would be really mean for him to go and bother him. Yeah, Bad was upset. Yeah, he wanted to go back home, back to Skeppy, but he would be willing to wait another day or two. It would be the best for them to talk when Jef wasn't about to fall asleep anyways.

Bad made his way over to his room and laid down on the bed. He started scrolling through Twitter. There were a bunch of pictures and drawings of them on his timeline. He couldn't help but smile. He knew his fans were talented, yet he couldn't help himself from getting happy whenever he saw the fanart. It was always a good distraction, something that made him smile and appreciate his fanbase no matter what he was feeling.

This wasn't his fanbase though.

He had to tell Jef tomorrow.

Word Count: 1030

Okay listen—

I know this chapter wasn't really great but...

I'm excited for the next chapters👀

That's all I'm gonna say

Have a good day/night^^

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