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"You are pretty much the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning." - Will Traynor (Me Before You)


Sharon knows Chaeyoung's morning isn't complete without her green tea, what she didn't know is Chaeyoung never really like tea. It just happened that when they first met in the cafe green tea was the only thing she could read on the menu since she was blinded by the Japanese's beauty.

Chaeyoung's morning isn't complete without Sharon.

Chaeyoung's morning isn't complete without Sharon

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The two of them went down to the dining hall to have breakfast. Chaeyoung is like a kid whose energy is overflowing, she's excited for the day, while Sharon, on the other hand, was still timid but deep down inside she's almost exploding.

CY : "I got your ham and eggs :)" She said sitting across Sharon.

MN : "Thank you."

CY : "Opps don't forget your favorite ketchup haha."

MN : "And who said I like ketchup?"

CY : "You really gonna ask me that? Have you ever thought that your plate always looks like a blood bath? Haha okay if you don't want it then I'll put it back."

MN : "Ehhhh? I was just asking, give me my ketchup."

CY : "See? Haha, here you go." She said handing the bottle of ketchup.

The two continue to eat breakfast until Sharon notices something.

MN : "Aren't we eating too slow for someone who has planned?"

CY : "We're not, we're doing it right."

MN : "How?"

CY : "We're going your pace, so enjoy your breakfast and will go once we're done."

MN : "If you say so."

It took them another 20 minutes to finish their plates, Sharon waits for Chaeyoung in the hotel lobby. She was keeping an eye on their things when Chaeyoung said she's gonna grab something.

CY : "I'm back, did you miss me?"

MN : "Maybe?"

CY : "Ehhh that's not the right answer, it's should be yes."

MN : "Maybe if you didn't leave me on my own I wouldn't miss you."

CY : "Oh feisty, I'm sorry okay? It's better for you to wait here than to go with me."

MN : "Ohh so you're saying it's best if we're not together?"

CY : "Ehhhhh? Of course not, that's obviously the worst. I'm sorry, I promise to take you with me wherever I go. I'll even take you with me when I take shower, can you forgive me for this one?"

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