Silent cold night

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You and Jotaro walk home, it's already dark and you feel cold. Jotaro takes his jacket off and places over you. You slightly blush from the warmness he is giving you. But then you start to think about him in your head and your cheeks burn up whilst you begin to struggle to breath because you think about him, Yes JoJo or
You were cut off
"Y/n, Is everything alright?"
Jotaro said with worry.

"Yes, I am fine and thank you." - you replied while slightly stuttering.

"Come on I can tell there's something going on" - He asked.

"JoJo, really it's nothing" - you replied.

"Yare Yare" - he replied.

You arrived at the gate. Jotaro slowly opened to avoid making a creak since it was already late. You both walked in and once you got to the door you took your shoes and left them outside underneath the small rooftop. Jotaro took your hand and began to hold while taking you somewhere. You meet your eyes on a big room in front of you.

"Y/n, Here's your room, Help yourself and feel free like you're home" - Jotaro said with a calm voice.

"Unless you want to sleep in my room, I'll bring extra futon and other supplies" - He added.

"While I get the futon and supplies, you can unpack" - He added again.

"umm, okay" - you said nodding avoiding to look at him.

You started to set your things out the room Jotaro gave you. Once you were done you sat down when leaning your head on the wall.. you dozed off.

Jotaro's POV.

I went to get futon and supplies for Y/N and it took me a while to find these because this house is enormous. I found then and then I started making my way back. I walked into the room and I see Y/n sleeping on the floor so I summon my Star Platinum to hold her (Bridal style) while I was setting her futon. Once her futon was nicely prepared, I made Star put her down on her futon and covered her up with a blanket since it was going to be a cold night. After, I went to the kitchen to get some cup of water for her in case she needed drink.

I came back with the tray and set it aside next to her on the floor.

She looks so cute sleeping. I then left the room and went to mine, prepared and went to sleep.

Time skip.

Normal POV.

It's a silent and a cold night, Everyone is asleep. Jotaro dreams of Y/n and in a dream he summons his Star Platinum, Star  goes to Y/n, grabs her together with futon and holds her bridal style. He walks towards Jotaro's room where he is sleeping and puts her down next to Jotaro. Jotaro is sleeping heavily but he turns around and hugs Y/n.
They both sleep cute together. ♥️

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