Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of rain. And a very muscular back. Oh god. It's Gally!

"Uh Gally?" I asked, obviously confused.

"Newt said I was to guard you. You better be shucking grateful because no other Glader would get this lucky." He said harshly. I sighed.

"Does it always rain?" I aksed.

"Once in a while. It rained before you came and now do I guess it's going to be a rainy month." He said. He was working on walls so I could get some peace and quite from all the guys. I liked watching him work. And I knew that he knew that I was watching him. My eyesight got dizzy as I fell asleep.

"Sleep well Carson, sleep well." Said a gentle voice, I felt a small pressure on my forehead. A kiss? Then darkness consumed me.

"Carson." Nudge, nudge. "Carson wake up!" Another nudge. "CARSON FOR THE LAST TIME!"

"Okay I'm up I'm up!" I gasped. I sat up, then fell right back down. The voice sighed.

"Carson I don't have all day!" I groaned. It was Minho?

"What Minho?" I sighed.

"Alby is going with me in the maze to check out this dead griever and Newts in charge. I was told by Alby to inform everyone." He nodded. I said I got it and went back to sleep.

"Newt I don't care!" Said a angry voice.

"Get used to it! Because if he's out there and we don't know where she will be terrified! I bet you she won't go anywhere without Alby, Chuck or me." Newt said.

The voice groaned. "Newt do you have any idea what she's doing to me?"

"Yeah I know. We need to keep quiet because she might wake soon, okay Gally?" I heard a grunt. What did I do to Gally? Was it good, I hope so.

Two hours later the sun was really bright so I decided to get up. It was basically a no work day. I saw Chuck eating alone so I ate with him.

"So the maze is going to close in about five hours. I thought Minho and Alby would be back by now.." He sounded restless.

"Chuck, what if they don't come back?" He tensed.

"They'll come back Carson they always come back." Then he left me. I sighed, playing with food was 'bad' but I wasn't hungry and I was bored. I heard a cough behind me to see Gally.

"Hey." I said with a warm smile. He nodded.

"Anyone sitting here?" I shook my head no, and he sat down. "You should eat. You need your strength." While he took a bite.

I looked down at my soup. "I can't. I'm not hungry and if I force myself to eat I'll throw it back up." I sighed.

"Then go jog until your hungry."

"I don't run." I snapped. He tensed up again.

"I don't like being snapped at." He said.

"Then don't snap at others!" I said harshly. I got up and threw my soup away and went in the woods. I needed to cool my head.

I was in there for about fifteen minutes alone, when I saw Ben. And instantly I got scared, but I didn't show it.

"Hey Ben. Minho came and told me you weren't running. Is is not.. Fun? Anymore." I asked politely. He just glared at me.

"Oh no it's more then fun. It's just you!" He growled. "I thought you liked me back! You were so nice!"

"Ben I'm nice to everyone! Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I like you." He took small steps towards me, I backed away.

"Do you know what it's like being a runner?" He asked. I shook me head no. "It's amazing how fast you can run." He grinned. He saw the look on my face and lunged for me.

"HELP ME!" I screamed and ran. I didn't know where I was going, there was so many rocks, I was about Thirty feet ahead of him. I tripped and fell. Of course I had to fall! I quickly got back up only to be tackled to the ground again. We were wrestling for two minutes before he pinned me down.

"HELP! HE-" he cut me. Off.

"SHUT UP!" He hissed. The look in his eyes were crazed. I started crying. I don't want this. I want Gally.

"Carson!" It was faint but I heard it.

"Please let me go Ben." I tried reasoning. Key word; tried.

"Why would I want to do that?" He smirked.

"Because. Multiple people wouldn't like it." Gally said as he spoke from the trees. I was so happy. It felt like my dreams came true.

"Go away Gally! Can't you see I'm busy. She's my girlfriend after all!" He challenged. But Gally only laughed.

"Lying's bad Ben. I know for a fact she doesn't like you, she all but panicked when you stormed away." He snarled. " now I suggest you get away!" And lunged for Ben. Ben stood up and I rolled.

"If I can't have her no one can!" Screeched Ben. Gally pulled me towards him. My cheeks were pink. It was embarrassing.

"Get on my back!" He shouted. I did as commanded. He gripped my legs and ran out of the forest.

"NEWT!" And Newt showed up. But Newt wasn't panicking because I was hurt. What he said next hurt a lot more.

"Alby and Minho aren't back, and the walls are closing." I gasped as I fell on my butt. Gally dropped me!

"What do you mean their not back?!" I shouted. "MINHO WOULD COME BACK!" I said frantically, Gally looked hurt.

"Let's go!" And I ran towards the walls. Almost every other Glader was there. They started closing, then someone almost took out my eye by screaming.

"THERE!" I heard multiple shouts.



"HURRY!" And all the while no one was doing anything, but Gally was tensing up, I thought what if I could prove myself? I leaned forward and then I heard shouting at me and I was being pulled back, well more like being picked up and carried away. I saw someone go in after them.

"what the shuck Gally?!" He just glared ahead. Once we were far away he just started yelling at me.

"CARSON?! WHAT IS IN YOUR STUPID KLUNKING MIND?!" He buried his hands in his face. "If I didn't see you lean forwards I probably wouldn't have stopped you, Carson no one ever survives the night." I saw someone drop. "Carson I don't know what I would do if I lost you." Before I knew it I was hugging him.


I KNOW IM CRUEL LEAVING YOU GUYS OFF THERE. BUT I HAD TO! But I almost have 30 views. That's like millions to me (: and I'm getting no comments ): but doesn't mean I won't stop. :D until next time

Gally O' GallyWhere stories live. Discover now