Being Home

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"I can't believe that you are both coming over to my place!" I said an hour into the trip back home. I have no idea how I missed it but both Victoria and Jasmine brought a bag with them to my house.

"How could we not be there for you? Especially with needing us right now?" Jasmine asked me as she turned around to look back at me.
"Especially since you are going through your mom's sickness and your break up." Victoria said as she changed lanes.

"Aww shucks my break up wasn't anything. It was going to happen anyways." I said trying not to think about how painful the breakup was. In every out breakup I thought that we would either get back together eventually or that at least one of us was better off. However, for this break up I knew the truth. We weren't going to get back together and neither of us was better off this way.

"We know you. You don't need to hide how you really feel from us." Jasmine said while turning around to hold my hand.

"Especially since you just spend the last hour crying your eyes off." Victoria teased while looking back at me through the rear view mirror.

"Okay but seriously you both do realize that my moms apartment is small. It's only two bedrooms and one is mine and one is my mom. Where are you going to sleep?" I asked realizing that it was bad to offer my floor to them but with two twin beds there weren't that much else to offer.

"We can alternate between your bedroom floor and the couch." Jasmine said while turning her body to put her feet on her seat and rearranged her seatbelt so that she was fully turning around and looking at me.

"Yup we already talked about it. I am going to sleep on the couch tonight and floor tomorrow." Victoria said focusing on driving but still participating in the conversation.

It's amazing how great of a driver she is. If I take my eyes off the road for a second I'm afraid that I would get into a car accident while she drives and talks like it's nothing.

"When did you have time to do any of this anyways?" I asked completely confused.

"When you and lover boy were going on a break we talked and we both knew that we couldn't leave you alone with this. We needed to be there for you and we are going to do that by staying the weekend with you." Victoria said.

"Nathan is not my lover boy and we are not on a break. We broke up." I said. I hate that she gives me hope by pretending that me and Nathan are going to get back together.

"Some people you just know are going to be together for the rest of your life and that's you and Nathan." Victoria said seeming sure of herself.

"You thought the same about Jasmine and Henry and look how that turned out." I said reminding them about what happened with them.

Jasmine and Henry seemed really good together but then during a fight Henry slapped her. He apologized after and begged for her forgiveness but me and Victoria didn't let that happen. Jasmine said that Henry was drunk and that he only gets upset like that when he is drunk. But being drunk is no excuse, nothing is.
Jasmine did say Henry went to AA meetings and tried to stop. Which is amazing, but it's too little too late for Jasmines sake and for the sake of their relationship.

"Yup that was horrible. I am not going to pretend that it wasn't. But that's not you and Nathan. You and Nathan are so much better. And Victoria is right this is not the end for you two. No way will the world let that happen." Jasmine finished while rubbing her shoulder and her cheek. Her shoulder  where Henry grabbed her and her cheek is where he slapped her.

"You know that you are so much bette than Henry right. You are going to find someone much better I promise you." I said as I grabbed Jasmine's hands and intwined our fingers. "Until then you have us and that's all we need!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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