"Your son is quirkless."
"He's - what?"
When Izuku was four, he learnt that not all mankind were created equal.
"Inko, what...?"
"I'm sorry Hisashi, but I can't do this anymore!"
When Izuku was five, he learnt you can't trust anyone.
"You little quirkless devil, you made Inko leave me!"
When Izuku was seven, he learnt that the world only wants him to suffer and that no one loves him.
Because no one would love someone with a broken, glass heart.
---Time Skip---
Now, at nine years old, Izuku stood on the metal railing, tracing the line of the burn mark on the back of his hand and glancing at the beautiful sunset skyline view from the rooftop, the orange and yellow light brightening his face.
He took a deep breath in and sighed, trying to enjoy the sun touching his face - for hopefully the last time. His heart cracked.
His shoes had already been taken off and placed neatly to the side. A small piece of paper was inside the leftmost one, describing his sadness and difficulty in living each day, although Izuku doubted anyone cared. He had called out for help so many times, and each time he was ignored. For many years he simply prayed that his mother would return and save him. Take him away from his cruel father, so they could live happily together.
That hope was extinguished when police showed up at their door when Izuku was eight, saying that Inko had died in a car accident. Honestly, Izuku believed it to be suicide. The only reason they were told to begin with - since they had divorced - was because Inko had a small picture of Izuku in her purse, with contact information and their address on the back. Izuku believed she died on purpose - as guilt because she never took Izuku with her, away from Hisashi.
Maybe she really did love him.
Either way - she died and he's still all alone.
Whenever he'd asked for help before, people always believed the quirk-user Hisashi before Izuku. It's always a 'he said' 'she said'.
Why would anyone believe the words of a quirkless brat? Besides, Hisashi's a well-liked man. He's kind, generous and always willing to help someone out if need be. Plus, he has an amazing fire quirk! Who wouldn't believe someone like that... instead of someone like me? Izuku thought to himself, watching the passers-by on the pavement several feet under him. He sighed and looked up, towards the sky.
Well, I guess it doesn't matter now.
With slow, deliberate movements, Izuku climbed over the metal railing. Too nervous to jump, he sat at the edge, feet slightly hanging off, and began to write notes in his Hero Analysis book - number five. It had just been scorched and was incredibly hot to hold, but Izuku pressed on, wanting to do something enjoyable before he was unable to do anything at all.
As time continued, the book and pencil in his hands felt heavier, and eventually reached a point where Izuku was unable to continue. Pieces from his heart broke off, glass splinters fracturing his lungs.
He felt so tired.
With sluggish efforts, he pushed the book and pencil away from the edge of the roof and looked up to the sky one more time.
I know dying on my own terms is a sin, but I'm sure God, or spirits or whomever, would rather me be happy than suffer every day.
I hope wherever I end up, I'll be happy.
With that last thought in his mind, Izuku fell.
And his heart shattered.
The wind rushed past his face, ruffling his hair with a gentle touch, and lovingly caressing his face - it was the most love he'd felt for a long time. The ground was approaching. He felt like he was flying. Tears sprouted from his eyes from the force and escaped the grip of his cheek to fly higher above him, as if playing a game of tag.
Now the passers-by have started to notice him, but Izuku had done his research. He had planned out both the rooftop - an abandoned building - and the area for where to commit the deadly act. It was late - and there were no heroes who were on patrol in this area of town right now, so ironically, he was safe.
Safe from them finding him. Safe to finally have control of his life.
Safe to die.
But that didn't stop someone from appearing out of nowhere and catching Izuku before he landed. Someone with long, black hair, yellow goggles around his neck and white scarf-like wrappings around his neck.
Someone who looked very much like...
"E - Eraserhead?"
Okay that's chapter number one. It's more like a prologue, but anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. I decided to make Izuku nine. I researched a little as I don't understand much about Japanese and American schools, as I live in the UK, but I think you'd go to UA when you're 15? So that's what I'm going with. He can't go yet though, as other things need to happen first 😊
I hope you guys enjoyed reading the first chapter of this new series! It's already super fun to write! I'll see you guys next time.
Oh! Just to let you all know, I'm hoping to update this series once a week - this gives me time to write a new chapter for publishing. It's my birthday next week and I have plans the week after that, so writing these ahead of time will really help me out 😊. I'm hoping to release a new chapter every Sunday (UK time zone, so do what you will with that).
But for now...
Peachy out! 😊

Glass Heart
FanfictionTRIGGER WARNINGS - suicide attempts and consideration, self harm and depression. Izuku is being abused by his father. His mother left him and ended up dying. Izuku at the age of nine tries to commit suicide, but is saved by Aizawa. Aizawa decides th...