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"Showing off the dips and curves I had to offer

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"Showing off the dips and curves I had to offer."

"Ehem," someone cleared their throat, waking me up in the process

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"Ehem," someone cleared their throat, waking me up in the process. His heavy hand was around my waist and my head was resting on the other as we slept. holy shit, William and I slept away together. He stirred in his sleep and instead of pulling away, he absentmindedly pulled our torsos closer together. Luis stood at the foot of the bed with his arms folded across his chest. He looked down at us disappointedly, shit. We left the door open and somehow we both fell asleep after eating together.

"You are late," he flatly said. William's eyes open widely and he tore us apart. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he chanted, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes like it would help. I was so confused since I had no idea what they both were speaking about. "You mind linked me and said Everest was tagging along, so therefore you both are late," Luis corrected himself. My eyes widened upon realization. It's eleven PM. Training was from eight to eleven. "No use getting up now. Just be there for your meeting in thirty minutes William, it's with alpha Fernando," Luis said as he walked out of my room.

Gosh, Luis is such a father.

It's getting annoying.

William jumped on the bed, pulling me back on the bed, ignoring my protest. He just stares at me, watching his hand movement. "Tell me what you're thinking," I ordered, his hand sliding up my arm, leaving feather touches soothingly. "I'm thinking that it feels really nice to wake up like this," he said. "Waken up by Luis," I laughed. "No, holding you," he softly said and my heartbeat picked up. "Okay. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Monday I'll be starting training with Renee and Bradey, just thought I should let you know," I changed the topic. It wasn't time yet to be affectionate and showing compassion yet. I'm not ready for that from William. "Finally you stopped being stubborn," he lowly mumbled and I stared at him jaw dropped. "Idiot," I playfully returned. "I should go before Felix declares war," he sighed and stretched his body. "I believe it's Fernando," I corrected him.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Bye Everest," he mumbled, leaving the room and the door shut softly behind him. Since I was already up, I started my morning routine by brushing my teeth and ended it by falling back on the bed, now clean, refreshed, and in different clothes. I truly was motivated and excited to start training together. I wasn't satisfied with my body since I lost a lot of weight and my stick arms needed some muscles. There's the gym. Maybe I can go attempt to operate the machines for a couple of hours later.

Gym it is.


I stalled it too long. It was around four in the evening, and I still haven't made it to the gym. Though, now I am going. I changed into spandex apparel that fit my body tightly, showing off the dips and curves I had to offer. All I had to do was drop off my orange paint I snuck into my room for Bradey who's on a painting date with Enrico. My hand wrapped around the doorknob and suddenly, I heard William shouting. Oh god. I opened the door quickly to see it was empty. Bradey wasn't here yet but William sure was.

"Just leave me alone, Isabel. Can't you see I'm doing something?" William snapped and the girl stepped back. "With all the respect sir, it's a simple yes or no question," the girl rambled off even though she was confused by fear. How can someone fear William? "Ask me tomorrow. Now move, please," he pleaded harshly and she frowned deeper. The fact that he said please doesn't even make it better.

"Okay, whatever. I asked nicely, but fine. See you tomorrow sir," Isabel sighed and walked out of the room. "Everest, what are you doing here?" William noticed. "I should be asking you that question, why were you so rude to her?" I interrogated. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "I wasn't rude. she couldn't respect that I was busy. and I'm here to stock up on materials," he revealed.

"You're still a dick," I declared and his eyebrows furrowed at my bluntness. "What did I say wrong? it looked bad but it wasn't," he frowned. "I don't care! you could have at least been nice to her!" I insisted. His fists formed at his sides like usual.

"I don't see what the problem is, Everest. I am nice to you, I'm trying at least so why should you care about Isabel? It wasn't Bradey," he rambled off, his hands moving around for gestures as he spoke. "You have to be nice to me. You have to be nicer to others. Don't touch me until you apologize to her," I said the last part the second he tried to stop me from leaving. "Everest, come on! don't be like that," he pleaded as I walked away. the conversation ended there and I left the art room and instead headed to the gym.

"Everest! please! I'm sorry!" he shouted and I continued to walk straight away from him. Am I overreacting? "Everest," someone called and pulled me back. I turned around and was relieved when I saw that it was only Bradey. "I've been calling since you left the art room. Are you okay?" he questioned with furrowed brows. "Yeah just Will again. I'll see you later, Bradey, I'm late," I brushed him off and left.

After entering the elevator and pressed the gym symbol, the door open seconds later. There were only a few people, no one I recognized. I kept to myself and no one bothered me, I used the equipment that used common sense to know how to operate it. They assured me that my muscles would be sore tomorrow anyway. I finished up at seven, nearly three hours of working out and my body was completely sore.

When I got to my room, I immediately showered away all the sweat from the gym which resulted in me feeling extra tired. I kept my clothes short since William definitely won't be coming around tonight. I considered getting something to eat since I only had two granola bars for lunch all day but decided against it once I saw my comfortable pillow.

Someone knocked on the door and I attended to it after I finished creaming my skin. Of course, it was William. In his hands were two plates of fried rice and vegetables.

"I'm sorry."


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