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After getting dressed I settled with high-waisted black shorts and a cropped top

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After getting dressed I settled with high-waisted black shorts and a cropped top. My belly was only exposed if I raised my hands or moved my upper body a lot. I walked downstairs to the smaller dining room, not the massive one that seats over a dozen people. This one had six chairs but I pulled out four of them.

William was in a shirt and dress pants, his usual attire. I didn't mind because it always made Alaska drool at the sight of his shirts doing nothing to hide his muscled body. "How does it look?" I asked, announcing my entrance. His eyes slid slowly down my body before settling on my eyes. "Delicious, I can't believe you made this," William admitted.

I don't have a good or bad history with cooking. It's in the middle. For baking, I lean towards the good side. Sometimes."Well...it's more like you're testing to see if these YouTube videos are actually accurate," I say referring to the YouTube videos I followed while making the dishes for the recipe. I was mostly proud of my shepherd's pie. The full menus was shepherd's pie, grilled chicken and shrimp, and lastly mac and cheese as well as a salad as the side.

"Shit. I forgot the wine," I said upon noticing the metal ice bucket beside our covered plates of food."Do you think wine is a good choice, Ev? I get drunk easily," William pointed out just as I was about to retrieve it from the fridge. I already picked one out from the cellar and put it too cold in the fridge beforehand. We're sharing a bottle, what can a couple of glasses do, right? "Yeah, just stop when you feel tipsy," I shrugged and went along anyway for the wine.

When I returned, William was seated already so I copied him and put the wine in the ice. "Any luck with the trio?" William smirked at the name he developed for Bradey, Zaire, and Enrico. "Nope. I've been in the studio and the kitchen back and forth today. I did call Bradey and Enrico like usual though but straight to voicemail," I sighed.

"Yeah...Jayden can't find them either and their phone search isn't turning up either," William added on as we took the lids off our plates. Yeah, I cooked this delicious meal. "Yup, the recipe worked. This is delicious Everest," William moaned and continued to take food into his mouth. I laugh and did the same, not holding back on my hungry needs tonight.

The darkened part of the wine bottle that showed us how much more was left slowly decreased until the bottle was empty. I didn't think the couple of glasses would've made us feel so woozy. We were almost done packing up when William stopped me from moving further.

"I told you the wine was a bad idea, baby," William mumbled in my neck, his nose running along the skin as he inhaled my scent. "Let's test that theory," I say and hook my arms around him before dipping my head to properly press our lips together. William hungrily kissed me back, his lips moved at the perfect pace with mine. I felt his lips smirk in the kiss as he walked back towards the table. With one swift move as his tongue slid into my mouth, William gripped my waist and placed me on the dining table.

Bad move.

My fingers had a mind of their own as I undo the buttons of his shirt while he kissed down my neck, ducking on the skin gently that it will leave red marks. "Fuck him," Alaska moaned at the back of my head. I pushed her away just as William reclaimed my lips. "Fuck," I gasped out and roll my head back at the hardness pressed between my thighs. "Shit- I'm sorry," he apologized and attempted to back away but my ankles locked behind his back wouldn't let him. "No, don't be. It's hot," I gasped out before fisting his shirt and forcing his lips back on mine.

"Oh fuck, it's soaking through," I gasped, referring to the wetness pooled between my thigh. It was definitely going to leave something on my underwear. "Can I feel?" William shocked me by saying with his eyes darkened by lust. I was chasing for a relief of the built up tension over the last couple of days.

William's hand slid down my body with a destination in mind. He didn't think twice, his fingers slipped into my pants and under my underwear. The hot trail of fire he left behind his fingerprints drove me wild. I moaned as he ran his fingers down and up my folds, feeling how soaking wet I was.

"Fuck, William please," I whined and attempted to clench my thighs but it was no use. "My mouth," he suggested. My eyes landed on his wet delicious lips. Fuck, kissing him drove me wild so the thin thoughts of him eating me out were even worse. "Please," I agreed and he wasted no time kneeling on the ground, eye level to my middle. William pulled me to the edge of the table where he proceeded to pull the shorts down my legs, my underwear already rolling down with it. The cold air hit the sensitive skin and I whine again, throwing my head back.

"Everest?" William's eyes locked on mine. Patience. Who's she? "I've never done this before," he says before burying his face between my legs. His tongue licked a strip of my wetness between my folds and I dropped on the table. Fuck. My eyes rolled back and I reached for anything to be my leverage. My bare hands weren't helping anything. William moved his lips as his tongue circled the entrance that craved him the most.

I've only experienced something like this twice. I only rolled with sex and nothing else. Sure there was one guy who I thought was sorta special and we played around for a while but that's it. My lower abdomen was already clenching in pleasure, my eyes already going fogged by the pleasure I was receiving by only his lips. His tongue. His lips. They worked fucking magic and he knew exactly what to do. I call Bullshit. No way this was his first time. My hands gripped the edges of the table hard. William pushed two fingers inside me so hard and fast that I scream his name. The vibrations from him moaning against me only pushed my release closer and closer. "Fuck," I moan again as he hit the perfect spot inside of me with his fingers, paired with his tongue.

My legs started trembling on their own, an orgasm was something familiar to me but fuck, right now it feels like something different. William tried his best to push my legs apart again, let's just say he has my years of gymnastics to thank. My eyes clenched shut as I'm thrown into euphoria. William didn't hesitate to take all of my juices onto his tongue as he got rid of any evidence. His fingers continued to fuck me through it all, hitting all the sensitive spots perfectly when he curled his fingers.

"Stop," I whimpered and William was off me in seconds. He stood tall with a smirk on his lips as he took his two fingers into his mouth. "Guess I gotta change my pants too," William chuckled. My eyes dropped to see the wet darkened part of his crotch.


If you don't like the way Broken Mates is heading then I suggest you stop reading

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If you don't like the way Broken Mates is heading then I suggest you stop reading. I completely understand. If you're still on board, prepare yourself🤭❤

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