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Short chapter, I'm sorry:(
Longer ones coming soon! Promise.

Short chapter, I'm sorry:(Longer ones coming soon! Promise

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"You made her so happy."

"What do you want?" I sighed

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"What do you want?" I sighed. He stepped forward and I automatically stepped back. Though I walked right into his trap since he pushed the door open and freely walked into my room. I watched as he placed the food on the bed and turned to me. "Can you come to the lobby with me? There's something I want you to see," he struggled with pleading eyes.

What's got him so nervous? "I'm going to bed William. I'm not hungry and we can do this tomorrow. Please?" I begged even though Alaska was screaming at me to go with him. She was soft for him, always. "Please? It would only take a second," He frowned, trying to convince me. "Are you seeing how difficult this is for him to do? He fucked up but he's trying to fix it. So let him," Alaska begged at the back of my mind.

Fuck it.

"Fine," I huffed and he smiled widely. He didn't even try but I really liked his smile. I hated that I did, I wanted to hate him but I couldn't. Not saying I love him either. I'm far from that. So far. I think. "Thank you, now come on," he grinned and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of my room and I had the opportunity of shutting the door behind us. He pulled us into the elevator and I just remained quiet, patiently waiting to see what's so amazing in the lobby he had to show me.

The doors parted and he pulled me out. There she was, awkwardly standing in the middle of the dimmed silent room. "Isabel," I stated upon seeing her clearly. What is she doing here? "Wait here," William whispered and walked to Isabel, standing in front of her. He just stood there for seconds, just staring at her. Then finally, his eyes flicked to mine for a quick second, and then his lips finally parted to speak.

"I'm sorry about earlier. It was out of line to be mean to you and if it makes you any better, I give you permission to host the party on Saturday," William apologized, making me completely surprised. Isabel's eyes widened in shock and she became speechless. Honestly, I couldn't believe William was apologizing to her right now. "S-Seriously?" She stuttered and he smiled widely as he nodded his head.

"My Goddess! That's amazing! Thank you so much, your highness!" Isbel cheered and shocked us both by wrapped her arms around him in a hug. My heart raced in my chest after seeing him so close with another woman. He awkwardly hugged her back, not knowing what to do and I laughed at his cuteness.

He glared at me when he heard me laugh and my cheeks tinted pink. "Alright," he mumbled and pulled away from her. She continued to squeal in excitement, her eyes lit up brightly. "You both are invited!" She shouted as she ran away towards the elevator, leaving William and I standing there. I wanted to tell her thank you as she skipped away but one look at William's vulnerable eyes rendered me speechless.

"You made her so happy," I broke the silence, saying the obvious, and his smile widened. It was so weird seeing him smile so casually. "You don't expect me to apologize to everyone I've ever been rude to, do you?" He asked and I shook my head, knowing that was highly impossible. He walked forward, stopping directly in front of me. "So do you forgive me?" He mumbled softly. He wasn't even hopeful at all.

"I promise I'll try to be nicer...if that helps," he mumbled softly, adding to his question. I haven't known him for much but to me, this was a big deal. "Yes, I forgive you," I simply said and the light in his eyes returned.

"Thank you," he softly said. "How about we go get some food?" He suggested. I nodded my head because I don't want to pretend I'm not hungry anymore. We returned to my room in silence. "You know you're free to get some personal touches right? There's a decor shop a few buildings away," William pointed out upon entering my room.

We sat on the bed and ate, the conversation wasn't that deep or a lot. It was still much appreciated. He kept asking questions and changing topics that I just had to respond to. After finishing, he washed his hands, grabbed the plates, and said his goodbyes before leaving.


Well then, I was alone again.

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