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"I'm fucking screwed

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"I'm fucking screwed."

"So any plans for college? You're eighteen, correct?" Usha asked me

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"So any plans for college? You're eighteen, correct?" Usha asked me. I haven't thought of this much. "Uh...." I was speechless. "Mom stop with the personal questions," William groaned and angrily shoved another filled spoon in his mouth. His hand clenched under the table. I looked away and tried my best for my eating to be constant. "She cannot go to college. She has a kingdom to run like every other queen before her," Vison interrupted and the balance we developed minutes ago was destroyed.

This isn't going to end well, I knew it from the beginning. Before I can say anything, William beats me to it. "Dad. It's a choice she will make. Drop the topic," he dismissed the topic but of course, his father couldn't accept that. "Well is she?" He bluntly asked. William got visibly angrier, his eyes forcing through flickers of blue and gold. "Dad! She isn't ready to make that decision yet!" Renee scolded on behalf of her brother.

"She should at least have an idea and if not she should start thinking," Vison mumbled below his breath. When William finally lost it and was about to do something he regretted, I acted fast. My hand covered his fist and instantly under the table, William relaxed. His strong firm loosened under my touch and I managed to intertwine my fingers with his. Sparks shot up our hands, feeling like it was a perfect match.

His eyes shut as he controlled himself. Alaska was running wild over this moment between us and I wasn't complaining about it either. William opened his eyes and turned to me, his eyes looking so deep into mine that I feel our surroundings start to float away. "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I haven't thought of that yet. I'm not at that stage yet," I cleared my throat before saying and all the attention was back on me.

"Which is perfectly fine. Dad, I got out of not being queen and we worked something out. So, therefore, this isn't a problem. Leave the girl alone," Renee continued for me. I appreciated her defending me like this. It feels nice. "Please," William added, his thumb brushing the side of my hand. "Whatever, fine," Vison huffed and finally dropped the topic.

The silence was much appreciated now. William and I ate which drew out the silence as much as I pretended it could've. Our hands never separated, I don't know how to feel about it yet neither of us protested about it. Just when things were okay again, Vison had to ruin it. Again. "You could always find another queen," Vison breaks the silence again. Full gold consumed his once grey eyes. He angrily slipped his fingers out of mine and pushed his chair back. William stood up and angrily walked out of the dining room.

"You're taking this too far, baby. Everyone is different and I don't think anything is wrong with Everest," Usha scolded her mate. Without wasting any time, I pushed my chair back and followed after William. When I turned the corner I saw the door shut. I have no idea where it leads but that didn't stop me from following after him. I don't hesitate because it isn't a question that William would do the same for me.

"William," I pushed open the door to reveal the fancy bathroom. He had his head in his hands when I walked in but looked at me the second the door opened. "E-Everest...I'm so sorry," he apologized in a panic. "What? You have nothing to be sorry for," I stated as I walked to him. "Yes, I did. It's my fault you're here, I'm sorry about my father. He's never like this, I promise," William apologized.

"He just wants the best for his son and his kingdom. It's understandable," I stated even though didn't agree with everything he said about me. "Yeah but this made me realize so much. Everest my life is ruining yours. It's too much for you to handle. And I'm forcing you to be part of me," William frowned upon the false realization. "If nothing was holding me back I would've left one way or another if I really wanted to. I don't want to leave. I feel at home here, with you," I truthfully say and placed my hands on his cheeks so he was forced to bend his head and look at me.

"Okay...but I understand if you want to be with Zaire after this. I can officially make you part of the pack then we reject each other and I'll stay far away, I promise," William offered. His facial expressions weren't too confident as his voice. But I don't want Zaire. I want William. I'm crazy for that. Zaire is a really nice guy, he's wild and carefree. But...not my cup of tea at the same time.

"I mean he's got the better reputation and stuff. Bradey and Enrico don't care about their mates so I guess you shouldn't either. I'll give you the money and everything. If you want to go tell everyone I understand or whatever. I'm sorry for coming between your rela-" he begins to ramble off before I stopped him.

My hand slapped across his cheek and he finally went silent. Why did I do that? I have no idea. But it felt fitting. "You're speaking bullshit," I bluntly say before tiptoeing and finally claiming his lips. I don't know what came over me but fuck, once I got the feeling of his lips on mine I didn't regret it one bit. The rumors were true, kissing your mate was nothing compared to others. William inhaled and dug his fingertips into my waist before kissing me back. His lips paired with mine was like a missing puzzle piece.

There were no words to describe the ecstasy running through my veins. The craving for more developed quickly but I tried my best to push those thoughts away as our lips moved together. At first, it was fast and heated, now it was slow and passionate, something that drove me over the edge. I can't believe I'm kissing William right now.

Going against my deep wishes, William pulled away. The vulnerability sparking his eyes was something I could never get rid of. For a second we just stood there, eyes glued on each other while we tried to steady our breathing. This moment just made our past actions that I craved to happen again more real. "Can we do that again?" He asked as his chest rose and fell. I was going to kiss him again whether he asked or not yet I appreciated it. I nod my head and his lips connected with mine again at the same time I shut my eyes and kissed him back with just as much effort and force as him.

This time instead of pulling away, William slid his tongue across my bottom lip and I gladly parted my lips at his request. My knees buckled when our tongues met. Thankfully, his hands slid down to the back of my thigh without breaking the kiss, he wrapped my legs around his waist with ease.

At that moment I realized that there was no turning back.

I'm fucking screwed.

I'm fucking screwed

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