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My thumb brushed over his cheek again, unable to help myself for the third time

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My thumb brushed over his cheek again, unable to help myself for the third time. It was hard to observe William sleeping and not touch him. His features were so beautiful, he looked so peaceful. Like he'd still be sleeping like this even if he's in the middle of a war.

William stirred slightly in his sleep and the process, he pulls my body closer to his. He leans into my hand and the fireworks exploded. William makes my hangover better and he isn't awake yet. My fingers slip into his dark hair, brushing it away from his forehead. "Mhm, don't stop," William mumbled, clearly half awake but insisted on keeping his eyes shut.

A smile wore on my lips as I continued to brush my fingers through his thick hair until William finally opened his eyelids to reveal his bright eyes. "Good morning," he says, his voice gave me literal butterflies. "Good morning," I copied as I slid my fingers out of his hair permanently and he pouts. My eyes fell on his lips for a split second before I forced them back on his eyes.

"You're pretty," He grins and held my body closer, not holding back from what he wanted to do. His hand moved from my waist, allowing me to move away but I don't. William placed his palm on my thigh, heating the skin as he runs his hand up and down the side of my thigh. "Even when you're drunk," William mischievously added.

I groaned out of embarrassment and hid my face in the pillow. "Hey! It was cute, alright. I didn't think taking off makeup would be that difficult," William defended. "Shit, I shouldn't be touching you," William scolded himself and all bodily touches were gone right after. William scooted to his end of the bed with fear in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he apologized. My eyebrows furrowed together and then I finally realize this is because I lied when I said I didn't give him permission to touch me.

"We need to talk, but first I need to brush my teeth and get painkillers," I sighed, facing reality. Why do werewolves have hangovers? That's so stupid. "Yeah, we do. Meet me downstairs when you're done in the bathroom," William agrees and pushed himself off the bed. "Okay," I agreed as my eyes glued on his solid stomach, soon it was covered by his shirt again.

I frown and William tried to hide his smirk. Without another word, William leaves and I quickly brushed my teeth and showered. I can't believe I chose this to wear last night but seeing his reaction was so worth it. I got dressed in ripped jeans and a tank top with a flannel over that. Once I was done, I made my way downstairs where William was already waiting for me in the kitchen.

His eyes burnt my body as I moved around in the kitchen, fetching Advil, and a glass of water. After taking two pills, I put the glass in the sink. "Where do we start?" He wondered as I sat on the chair opposite his. "Why did you lie?" I bluntly asked after. I really don't want to talk about this, I want to cuddle with him but this has to be done. William sighed and shook his head as he thought about it.

"No. I didn't lie to you. Nothing happened between Rieka and I like that. I was a dick to her and I loved her. It's all in the past and Renee told you everything there is to know. I don't have feelings for her anymore, Everest. I promise. I've been trying for years to get rid of those feelings but all I had to do was focus on getting on your good side and those feelings disappeared. Instead, my heart beats for you. I'm sorry if I hurt you or if you felt like I didn't trust you...I didn't mean for it like that I just didn't want you to look at me differently," William explained.

It was only then that the guilt for my actions sunk in. I'm not innocent in this I believe I messed up more than William did. Oh, how the tables have turned.

"Now let me say what I have to say. I'm sorry for how I reacted after the dinner. The truth us I don't want to fall for you because I'm scared I'll treat you like how I treated the other boys...that was unfair of me to do because you're nothing but kind and sweet...that dinner night was amazing and I felt like I ruined it the next morning. I was just so scared of myself Will. I'm really sorry for saying those awful things, William. I did give you permission and I'll give you it a hundred times again, what I said...how I made you feel, I didn't mean any of it," the words rolled off my tongue easily but I meant it all.

"It's scary for me too but I rather be with you than being like strangers. It literally hurts, Ev. It was messed up with the permission thing but now I understand and I'm over it," William frowned. I nod my head, instantly feeling better with his confession. This wasn't over yet though. "All that matters is that Rieka forgave you and you're bettering yourself, Will. We both are, so I don't care what anyone else says," I revealed.

William grinned and without hesitation, he leaned over the table and pressed our lips together. I moaned instantly and kissed him back as our lips produced the heated kiss. My fingers go to his hair firstly as his buried into my neck. Like always, his lips on mine is ironically lumens a breath of fresh air. William makes it difficult to breathe and I don't mind, air doesn't seem as important as now.

Though I knew we had to pull away because I'm sure the position was uncomfortable on his end. Our lips separated at the sound of someone knocking on the front doors over and over. "Hmm, I'm gonna kill that person," William mumbled and attempted to distract me with another kiss but before I can get too carried away I forced our bodies separate. "Let's go see who it is," I suggested and our fingers easily interlock as made our way to the front doors. William opened the door and we were surprised to see what was behind it.

My eyebrows knitted together when I saw Bradey dressed in a sweater paired with another coat over that. He had puffy eyes from crying most lightly. Next to him was a big blue suitcase. "I'm leaving," he stated and I swear, my heart dropped.

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