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16k reads!! Wow. Thank you guys so much for reading. I honestly can't comprehend it🤧❤

If you guys haven't realized, I added a new character and aesthetic to the cast and aesthetic chapter in the beginning of the book, so now you guys are going to finally be introduced to him:)

Enjoy this chapter!♡

"Flour and water, what a deadly mess

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"Flour and water, what a deadly mess."

"Punch harder Everest!" William shouted at me

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"Punch harder Everest!" William shouted at me. My hands were giving out, he was pushing me harder like he was supposed to do but for my first day, this is too much. After running three laps around the trail in the woods and now self-defense practices. My body needs food and sleep.

But however, I still tried. My hand punched right where I aimed and everything was fine, I was proud of myself for hitting that so hard, until my wrist bend and I screamed out in pain. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry," I apologized, my knees falling to the ground as I cradled my aching wrist.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm sorry for pushing you too hard, it's okay, look at me," William blurted out and suddenly I felt his presence kneeling before me. His voice was soft, filled with worry and care. He had his hand on my cheek and the other pulled me to his chest and off the dirty floor.

I felt his thumb slide under my chin and he tipped my face up to look into his eyes. "Let's get some ice on that," he suggested. I gave him a short nod and forced away my tears. William stood with my legs around him and his hand on my back. "What the fuck are you looking at!?" William shouted with so much authority. I hid my face in his neck, afraid to see off his curious pack members.

He walked away and stormed into the packhouse. He placed me down on a cold marble countertop. We were now in an empty kitchen. Not the main kitchen but a smaller one. I observed him in his angry glory as he retrieved an ice pack from the freezer. William looked so angry. So utterly pissed off. But yet he touched me with so much cautiousness and care.

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