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This chapter is a flashback from the day mentioned in the last chapter. Enjoy:)

An annoyed groan left my lips and I finally decided to visit William

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An annoyed groan left my lips and I finally decided to visit William. We have the castle to ourselves like most Saturdays. I know William said he had to finish a couple of hours of paperwork before we can watch a movie together but fuck, I miss him. Is it possible to be jealous of his paperwork? Because that has got his attention and not me.

I made my way to his office in nothing but his black shirt over my white lace lingerie set. It makes me feel pretty and powerful. I don't bother knocking on the door, I just enter. His eyes snapped to meet mine. The grey stressed out eyes softened at my sight. "Everest," he whispered and the pen dropped from his hand.

My hips sway as I make my way over to his desk, I throw one leg over him so I was sitting on his lap, our chests almost touching. My hands go for his shoulders as I inched my lips closer to his. William moved his hand from the table to wrap it around my jaw before he pulled my lips to mine. I could've moan at the contact of our lips finally touching in hours. I inhale sharply and kissed him harder as the sparks danced under my skin.

Taking control of the kiss, my tongue swiped slowly across his bottom lip, hungry for more but clearly, William doesn't want that since he pulls away. It's crazy how well his legs fit between mine.

"Ev, you're distracting me," William protested. His body clearly doesn't feel the same as his hands slid down my waist so squeeze my ass cheeks firmly in his hands as he snuggled into my neck. My chest arches into his and I bite back the threatening moan. "That's the point," I whimpered. My fingers go for the buttons of his white thin shirt. The top two were already undone for my wondering eyes. I never got to return what William did after dinner together.

That's all I can think about now.

Him in my mouth.

Or his dick buried in me.

I don't mind either.

Both would be fine now.

I sunk myself deeper and rotate my hips slowly, the perfect pace to get what I want. "Baby," he groaned and threw his head back on the chair. "The bedroom?" I suggested with a wicked smile. William swallowed hard before grabbing my thighs firmly. As he stood, my legs wrapped around his torso and I smile in the content before reconnecting our lips.

I managed to remove his shirt on the way to his bedroom. My fingers were tangled in his hair as we entered his bedroom. William shoved me against the door and I dropped my feet from around his waist. Almost, I almost got carried away by his lips again. It's crazy how good his lips taste but I want more.

I push him back and he obeys, walking backward to the bed. "Not as yet," I stopped him from dropping on the bed. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion that I ignored. I looked at him with such concentration before dropping them to his pants button. His fingers buried into my sides, I swore he burnt through the material. "Everest, what are you doing?" William wondered as I zipped down the zipper and dropped to my legs to pull them down his thighs. The sound of my knees cracking shifted his posture.

William inhales sharply as my fingers hovered over his boxers before I stood straight. "Something," I chose to reply with.

"Everest," William protested again as I pushed his shoulder with a force so he fell on the bed to the position he was sitting at the edge of the bed. "Sh," I pressed my lips on his, silencing him before pulling away. "Do you trust me?" I asked in addition while I used the black hair tie around my wrist to tie my hair away from my face. "Of course, I trust you the most," he responded without another thought. My smile widens as I pressed our lips together, this time moving my lips along with his as we fall back so his back was on the bed.

"Thank you," I say against his lips before moving away, kissing his cheek, down to his jaw. I spent the most time on his neck getting revenge for all the hickeys he gave to me. William squirmed slightly and attempted to take the lead but I wouldn't let him. He tilts his head back to give me more space to continue my abuse as his hands tightened on my hips. I go further down his toned and defined stomach I couldn't believe I had this man wrapped around my finger.

"You don't need to do that, Ev," William protested, I listened to his breathing and how it changed when my hands grip his black boxers. "Do you want me to stop? Be honest?" I stop and look into his dark eyes, Goddess. He looks so beautiful right now. "No but you don't need to," he assured me. I rolled my eyes before returning my attention to his boxers.

I lick his tip, satisfaction developed when I hear him groan. His fingers immediately go for my hair. Doing it again, I taste the foreign feeling while I tease him before sliding past his head taking his shaft into my mouth. William moaned and fisted the bedsheets which only encouraged me to go further as I swallowed more of him, sucking in my cheeks I twirled my tongue around his length before nodding my head.

Each time I tried to swallow more of him I couldn't, he hit the back of my throat easily, and it frustrated me that he was that big. My teeth accidentally grazed his sensitive flesh causing him to inhale sharply," gentle baby," he whispered. My fingers wrapped around his base and up, assisting my mouth as I began to work on the parts I couldn't get to before. My lips and tongue were nowhere near to gentle as I increased the pace of bobbing my head as my tongue ran up and down his shaft repeatedly.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," William chanted in pleasure. His knees raising as he bent his legs beside me. Ignoring him, I quickened my pace by bobbing my head and circling my fingers up and down his base. With his groaning and the feeling of his shaft in my mouth and around my hands, my middle was probably dripping wet by now through the lace.

"You should stop before I-I," William couldn't finish his own words, his juices shot down the back of my throat and I moaned, swallowing it all. Not stopping my movements, I continued until I swallowed all of his high. Fuck, I didn't expect him to taste so good. I finally take my mouth off him and used my finger to stop the remainder from running down my neck. I lick my finger while keeping eye contact with William.

Grinning, I felt satisfied as I crawled up to his chest. "E-Everest," William gasped, still in recovery. I lick my lips in front of him, proud of what I just did. His shocked eyes faded out, he stares at me with so much lust and hunger in his eyes. "I'm sorry if it was bad compared to your others. That was my fir-" I was about to ramble off. His jaw dropped as he stared at me with his eyes wide before flipping us over so my back was against the soft bedsheets.

It was the truth, I've never done that before but that doesn't mean that I don't know what to do. Like I've mentioned, I'm a receiver. Sure I've given handjobs to get what I want but never head. "Are you sure that was your first? I can't believe that, this mouth is....relentless," William whispered, his thumb tracing over my bottom lip. I lick my lips again while staring at his. I no longer hesitate before crashing my lips on his.

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