Our Beautiful Mistake. (Zayn Malik)

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                                    This is the prologue for the new story I am writing. Let me know what you think and want to happen(: Read/Vote/Comment. Spread the word please?:D

                BTW: I know Zayn was seventeen when he auditioned, but play along for my sake? Thanks I love you stay beautiful<3

3 years ago.

                I woke up wrapped in a thick blanket on a comfy bed. I recognized the familiar scent of the pillows and the sound of laughter coming from the room over. I turned over on my side and my dreams turned to reality.

                “Zayn wake up babe,” I say kissing his pouted lips softly.

                “Good morning babe,” Zayn rolls over so he is on top of me and kisses me back. I wrap my legs sound his thin waist in a playful matter.

                “You should probably put a shirt on before your mom thinks I ruined you,” I send Zayn a flirtatious wink and he laughs shaking his head above my body. The hover of his bare chest and basketball shorts on me makes me want to lose myself in him.

                “You already ruined me,” Zayn winks at me causing me to blush violently.

                “And my mother knows this, where do you think I got condoms from?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

                “I never really thought about it,” I say tracing his bare chest with my fingertips I can feel him shiver on my touch.  I smile in victory that  I can do that to him.

                “Okay Zayn get off me we need to go eat.” I tell him rolling my eyes at the strange boy.

                “Actually we need to talk,” I hear the worry in his voice so I relax myself sitting up next to him.

                “What is it babe?” I feel my heart pounding in my chest.

                “I am leaving, for the x-factor.” I feel tears building up in my eyes but I hold them back.

                “How long are you going to be gone?” Only one thought is in my head at this moment, and that one thing will not be mentioned.

                “I don’t know but I know I leave tomorrow to meet up with the boys I was put together with, but it gets worse babe,” His eyes will with tears as he looks at me. I rub my hands through his hair telling him to go on.

                “They told me to break up with you,” I stop the montion of my hand in his hair and pull away from him in shock.

                “And just like that you are going to end it?” I ask my voice cracks through the small question.

                “I have to, I promise that I will be back for you Cheyenne I promise.” He says in a quiet tone but I shake my head.

                “No, don’t come back, I don’t want you to come back, I want you to do whatever the hell it is you do Zayn! Have fun oh and by the way happy sixteenth birthday ‘babe’” I put quotations on the word babe. His mouth drops but I choose to ignore him. I look at my left hand that holds his promise ring he got me last year on our two years. I slide the silver metal of my finger and walk up to him.

                “Here take this,  I don’t want it.” I snap at him a then turn to walk away but a tight grib on my waist holds me in place.

                “Take this,” Zayn says sliding the bigger band off of his finger and giving it to me. I snatch it from his hands and walk out of his room making sure to slam the door behind me. I pass Patricia in the living room that senses my anger.

                “Did he tell you?” She asked me getting up from her seating on the couch. I nod my head with tears in my eyes. She pulls me into a hug where I sob more.

                “I’m sorry Patricia I need to go.” I tell her whipping the stray tears from my face.

                On the walk home I play with Zayn’s ring that sits in my hand. Almost three years we were together he had just turned thirteen and I was twelve, never thought once that our relationship would be serious. Now he is turning sixteen and I am fifteen but there is always a twist isn’t there? I mean we are the ‘it’ couple that everyone wants to be and be around, but what is our twist? Well Mr. Perfect is leaving his leading lady to go for his music career, the thing he doesn’t know? I’m pregnant. 

Our Beautiful Mistake. (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now