Chapter 2: Whatcha Doing

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"When someone says they're not doing anything they're a liar. They're saying that they're not doing anything. They're breathing and being alive. So, liar."

"So. Now that you're all here, I will instruct you on what you will be doing these next two months." She looked around at us. We showed no reaction."Well then. Everyday you will be here at the same time you came today. You will bring a notebook, pencils or whatever you use these days, a lunch and a water bottle. You may bring your phones, but they will be kept in your bag when you are in the building. Got it?" She paused for us to ask questions. America raised her hand.

I watched as she pulled one hand down and the other one up, taking the gum out of her mouth. Creating the ability to talk without gum in the way. Smart. Guessing she knows the ropes. Probably a trouble regular.

"Yes, America?"

"Well. I was just thinking. The paper that got sent to my parents says that we're here from 7:15 to 3:00." She looked at the leader.

"Yes. That's true. What is your question?" She looked at this girl, confused.

"Well, I was just wondering. What are we supposed to be doing this whole time?" The lady smiled, relieved it wasn't anything weird.

"Good question. Before lunch you will work on a project. After lunch you will sit in here and read."

Without raising his hand the boy began to talk "Read what?"

"You will spend the morning in the library, it will be your task to pick out a book from there each day. Or you may bring a book from home." She looked around to us for anymore questions. Slowly I raised my hand.

"Yes. Grettalyn." I have got to tell her not to call me that.

"What project are we working on?" She smiled.

"Superb question. You will be working on a report that you will give. On a topic that I will assign to each of you. But this is no normal report." America raised her eyebrow. "No. You have to go all out. Make it better than any other report you've given. No flimsy small reports. You are to have an oral, written and visual report completed before the end of second to last day you are here." Simon raised his hand.

"Yes. Simon."

"When are you assigning these topics?" She sighed.

"Right now." She turned around and turned on the projector. Clicking her computer twice, until a general topic generator appeared. Weird, you never know what websites are there until you look for them I guess.

"I'll do one name at a time. America's first." She clicked generate and baking appeared on the screen. She quickly wrote it down on her pad that I'm guessing she just carries around in her jeans pocket.

She continued to generate names until she reached mine. Simon got fashion, Julia got dance, Lucas got movies and boy got friendship. Interesting topics. I wondered which one I would get. Hopefully it wasn't anything boring.

"Grettalyn. Your topic." She clicked her mouse and the generator spun around. It was weird looking. Eventually, it spun around so long, music appeared in bright letters on the screen.

"Music. There you go. Come with me to the library." She walked towards the door and held it open for us kids to follow her. "Leave your bags here." She told a suspicious looking America. America put her bag back down, and walked out the door with her hands in her pockets.

I got up and followed her out, with the others following me. We were led to the library, where we had been before.

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