Chapter 9: Transportation

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"Transportation Central! Oh wait, it's 'transformation central'. Never mind"

After a smooth 4 1/2 hour flight, we landed in San Francisco.

Simón led me and America off the plane and we walked around trying to find Connor, Lucas and Julia. It wasn't too long until we found them. Everyone looked fine, except Julia.

"What's going on with her?" America asked Connor.

"Motion sickness." He told her.

"Ah, right. Let's go. We have to catch Bart into the city then find the hotel."

"Wait, we already have a hotel?" Simón asked.

"Oh, yeah. I booked it from the plane. G helped." America told him, smiling to me.

"Okay, but don't you need wifi for that."

"We had wifi." She told him, like it was obvious. But it wasn't. I was still confused as to how we booked tickets. And technically I booked them.

"Whatever. Let's just go." Julia suggested. So we walked towards the exit.

BART was an experience I never want to have again. It stank so bad, and everyone there seemed like they had no clue what they were doing. I could tell that everyone else in our group was deeply bothered as well, except for Julia. Nothing really seems to bother her.

We got to some street, I have no idea what it was called, and America led us towards our hotel. Everyone was probably expecting some run down place, but America and I both knew that wasn't true.

After walking for at least an hour, we made it to our hotel.

"When are we going to get to the hotel?" Connor asked, whining like a young child.

"Yeah." Simón added.

"We're here." America announced. And their heads all turned to face the beautiful building that was our hotel. Now I won't disclose details of the hotel because I don't want them coming and finding us, but I will tell you that it was brilliantly ginormous.

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