Chapter 4: New Discoveries

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"Nobody knows more than a teenager"

"Alright, all of you have been working on your research projects for two weeks now." She looked at the six of us seated at a table together. "So, you should have most of your research completed. Which means you'll be on your computers more. Keep in mind that we'll be monitoring your activity." I smirked at Connor, he sent me evil eyes. You are allowed to go on YouTube, but only for videos related to your topic. Well then, work hard. I'm going."

As soon as she turned out of sight, we sprung to life.

"So, what should we do today?" Connor asked, with a mischievous grin.

"I don't know. Work on our projects, maybe?" I looked at them, worried we wouldn't finish in time.

"C'mon G, don't be so goody." America told me. "Let's play truth or dare."

Simón and Connor nodded. Julia shrugged. I looked to Lucas. He, again, looked petrified.

"Fine. I'm in. So is Lucas." I decided that I could make decisions for him. Because if he made all of his decisions, that poor kid would never have a life. And everyone deserves a life.

"Great. We're seated perfectly." She motioned to us, seated around a circular table. "I'll go first.

America glanced around at each of us. "Hmmm...Julia." Julia glanced up. "Truth or dare?"

Julia thought for a moment. "Truth?"

America smiled. "Okay. What is it with you and all the dark clothing? And why are you always so dark and small looking?"

Julia genuinely looked scared, which surprised me. "Umm. I just like the darkness." She explained. But I could see it wasn't really the truth. Nobody else seemed to care, though.

"Well my turn to ask, I guess" She looked around. "Simón,"

Simón smiled. Clearly he wasn't nervous. "Dare." Julia looked shocked.

"I didn't... Okay. I dare you to dance on top of this table." Having the ability to control seemed to please her more than being controlled.

"Fine." Simón got up and pushed in his chair. He climbed onto the table and began to do the whoah. He then renegaded, flossed and did the hype. Eventually he ran out of TikTok and Fortnite dances, and flipped off the table. He bowed, and we all applauded him.

"There you go. Now, Connor. Truth or dare?" Connor sat and thought a moment.

"Dare." Connor quickly answered.

"I dare you to ask Lucas out." Connor smiled.

"Got it." He turned towards Lucas. "Lucas, will you get fro-yo with me after school?"

Lucas stared at him, then glanced towards me. He looked sick. Then all of the sudden he ran out.

"What's that about?" Connor asked.

Worried about Lucas I stood up and ran after him.

I looked around for a while. Having no luck finding him. When all of the sudden I heard a small sound coming from an empty classroom.

I opened the door and slowly peeked in. He wasn't in sight, but I could hear heavy breathing coming from the back. Slowly walking in, I called out, "Lucas? Are you in here?" There was no reply, but I kept searching.

Slowly. I made my way to the teacher's desk. The breathing became louder. I walked around the table, and an upset Lucas was hiding underneath.

"He looked up at me, scared. "G?"


"Why'd you come after me?"

The most words I'd ever heard come out of that shy boy's mouth. It made me sad though, knowing he only talked because he was hurt in some way.

"Why not?" He was surprised to hear this. Thinking that I had come to ridicule him, maybe.

"Because I'm wrong."

"What do you mean? You're not wrong, nobody is. And even if you were, why would that stop me from coming to see if you were okay?"

He thought for a moment. Unsure of what to say to that. How could he think he was wrong?

"Lucas, why did that upset you?" I asked, pretty sure I knew the answer, but I could have been totally wrong.

He looked at me. Confused and torn between what to say.


"Yeah? I'm here. I have been..." I said, trying to figure out what was going on.

Instead of telling me something, he just hung his head down.

"I understand that it was wrong. They were being insensitive and immature." He kept his head down, fighting back tears. "Wait. Do you actually have a crush on Connor?"

Lucas leaned over his knees farther. He looked ashamed, scared and mad. Slowly he shook his head.

"Then what is it?" I asked, smiling kindly. He turned to face me, with red eyes.

"I'm a boy." Confused?

"Yeah. I know that."

"But...I used to be.." He fought back tears, embarrassed, but I could see them coming anyway. "A girl." I nodded. Understanding things now. "But people didn't understand that. In third grade I changed the way I looked. I was teased and made fun of. People didn't see me for who I am. But for who I was instead."

I was speechless. He started crying. I patted him on the back, unsure what to do.

"I' sorry people acted like that. When I met you, I thought: He's a human. And nothing else of it. And to me, you're a boy. And if you see that, everyone else should too."

He smiled and wiped his eyes. "Thank you." He whispered.

"You're welcome." I hugged him, and he smiled.

Thirty minutes later we walked out of the classroom fresh of all our feelings. Down the hall and through the doors we were in the library.

America was laying across the table and Connor was trying to explain something to her. Julia was seated on the couch drawing with a blue sharpie on strands of her hair. Simón was drumming on a table. As soon as she spotted us, America sat up.

"Where'd you go? We had to stop playing and do whatever else." She exclaimed, disappointed and upset.

"Sorry. Maybe you should talk less, smile more." She looked to me, confused.

"Okay? But where the hell were you?" I got an ultimate stare down. America's scarier than I thought.

"Listen. All you need to know is that he ran and we had to help the librarian. Got it?" I tried to make an excuse on the spot and still stay as calm as possible. She either believed it, or just decided to give up.

I turned to look at Conner, Simón, and Julia who had been silent. Connor nodded, Simón and Julia smiled with her eyes.

"Right then. I think it's time we worked on our projects." Everyone agreed with me, and we got to work at our circular table.

I looked to Lucas, and he smiled. He was a good kid, and if he wanted me to, I would keep his secrets.

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