Chapter 8: Escapees

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"Look at yourself in the mirror. Is that true?"

My hair was dyed. I had created a fake passport. I practiced being Simón's child and America's sister. I was ready.

We all sat back down at our circular table, in our new ways. Julia was wearing more colors than I'd ever seen on her. Everyone was ready.

"Let's do this!" America announced and we stood up. "Here's the plan. There's a door in the back of the library. It's pretty well hidden, and is only used for emergency exits. But I know how to open it without setting the alarm off. G, grab the bag, were going."

Everyone got up and we walked towards the door. America walked in front and looked at the door. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and quickly typed something. A moment later, the door was open. Making no sound, we ran out of the library and down a ramp.

We ran down the street and towards the nearest bus stop. Knowing we would have a few minutes, America ran over the game plan for getting to the airport.

"Alright. This is it. Remember, we're kids. Connor and Simón are our parents. They will be purchasing the tickets." She looks to Connor. "You have to make it seem like you are old enough and mature enough to be parents. Got it?" They nodded. "Here are your credit cards." She told them, handing a credit card to each of them. "Remember your pins?" Again, they nodded.

"Good. Let's go." She announced as a bus pulled up.

As soon as the doors swung open, Connor and Simón headed up the stairs.

"Hello. We're interested in 6 tickets to the airport. Two adults and four children."

The man did a double take, probably trying to tell if this was a joke or not. Then deciding it wasn't he went ahead and started calculating the tickets.

"Alright. That will be $10.25. Will you be paying with cash or card?" He asked.

"Card." Simón answered, pulling out his 'own'.

He handed it to the man, and quickly paid for the tickets. Soon were were all boarded on the bus and heading to the airport.

The ride to the airport was very quiet, and awkward. As we jostled down the streets, no one talked. Afraid they would bring up something about our escape.

As soon as the bus dropped us off, we headed into the airport. Inside, we were normal looking. Families of all kinds were heading places. Kids were crying, and parents were trying to make them quiet. We looked no different.

Connor led us to the check in area, where he used the screen to print out our boarding tickets. It took America telling him how to use it, but eventually each of us were holding a boarding pass.

As quick as all of us could travel we headed to the security lines. It took forever. But we remained silent, everyone's hearts were beating too fast to say anything.

After waiting about 45 minutes we made it towards the front of the line. Opening the bag, that was now on Simón's back, we took out all of our devices which added up to: 3 phones, 4 computers and 3 iPad's. The people working looked at us suspiciously, but then realized how many kids there were and just nodded.

As soon as we made it through, with no flagging yippee, we headed to our gate. After sitting down on some open chairs someone finally spoke up.

"Great job everyone!" America said, quietly enough not to bring attention. "And by the way, G, you look amazing with my hair."

"I think I prefer brown."

"If you say so."

Soon they announced that boarding started. We were the second to last group, so we waited a little longer. But eventually we boarded the plane. Our seats were grouped three and three on two separate parts of the plane. So America had Lucas, Connor and Julia sit together while she, Simón and I sat together.

Being smart, I had downloaded a movie and some tv shows onto my iPad, and nobody else did. So I didn't tell anybody. As soon as the plane was in the 'safe zone' where you can use electronics, I pulled it out of the bag by Simón's feet.

After turning on airplane mode I went into Disney+, where I had downloaded episodes of Sonny with a Chance, my favorite show at the time.

I put in my earbuds and pressed play. Right as I started laughing America, who was sitting next to me, looked over my shoulder to see what I was doing. She had a book open in front of her.

"G, what are you laughing about?"

"This show. It's funny."

"Oh, you're smart. I forgot to download anything. Can I watch with you?"

"Sure, do you have earbuds or headphones?"

"Yeah, and I have a duel adaptor."


We got her headphones plugged in and soon we were watching together. It was nice, we laughed at all of the same jokes.

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